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Ashton sat up on a white plastic lawn chair on the balcony outside his bedroom. He glanced to his left, looking through the sliding glass doors at his messily-made bed. The balcony faced the back yard but he could see Claire's house from where he was sitting. He held a clear glass bowl pipe in his left hand and a black Bic lighter in his right. He used the remnants of the last dime bag he got from his friend Michael as a birthday gift. Ashton wasn't a huge pot smoker; however, smoking calmed him down when he was stressing out. Starting his senior year of high school with no clue of what he wanted to do after high school, plus seeing his childhood best friend going out with some fucknuts was enough to set him over the edge. 

Flicking his lighter, he lit up the remaining weed at the bottom of the bowl and inhaled. He held the smoke in his lungs for as long as he could before blowing the smoke out and coughing slightly. Ashton's phone dinged from the small glass table next to where he sat. He looked at the cracked screen of his old iPhone 5S to see that he had a new text message from Claire.

Claire: need any help finishing off that pipe? ;)

Ashton giggled to himself and looked over toward Claire's house. Sure enough, Claire was sitting at the desk in front of her window. She gives Ashton a little wave and a closed-mouth grin.

Ashton: ohhh you're too late c-is all gone :(

Ashton: besides, aren't you supposed to be a gooooood girl

Ashton locked up his phone and stood up before he slipped it into his back pocket, smiling at his comment. He made his way back into his bedroom. In all their years as friends, Claire would never smoke or drink. At a party, she was always the responsible one. Even if the two of them were just hanging out at one of their houses, she would always steer clear of anything Ashton would offer her to smoke.

 He flopped down onto his bed and opened up the drawer of his nightstand and set his lighter and pipe down inside, next to his old dark red vape pen and half-empty bottle of strawberry e-juice. He glanced at his messy drawer and its contents; crumpled up pieces of paper with little doodles on them, some pens and pencils, an empty Durex box, a few pairs of socks, a pair of headphones, and three half-melted fun-size Kit Kats.

Ashton's phone dinged again with a new message from Claire.

Claire: hey now, good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught ;))

Claire: come over!

Ashton was surprised at Claire's invitation. The two hadn't hung out together in almost a month because Claire spent most of her free time with her knob-rocket boyfriend.

Ashton: giiiirl what would dan the man think about that

Claire: just meet me on my back patio dork!

Ashton closed his nightstand drawer and pushed himself up off of his bed. His head felt extremely light and he felt like he was moving in slow motion, which happened whenever he got high. He made his way out of his bedroom, down the staircase, and into the kitchen which lead to the backyard.

"Hey Mom, I'm going to Claire's," Ashton said to his mom, who was sitting at the kitchen table, typing on her laptop.

"Ok, be back in time for dinner," she replied, not looking up from the computer screen.

Ashton walked out through the sliding glass door and made his way over to Claire's backyard. Claire was sitting on one of two gray wicker chaises under the gazebo over her patio. The sofa match of the chaises sat near the patio table. The black patio table had a glass top and four matching chairs. The two sides of the gazebo had shade fabric hanging over them, giving the patio a cozy, close feeling. A hammock chair hung from the top of the gazebo and a built-in fire pit sat at the edge of the patio.

"Hey, Ash," Claire sing-songed.

"Hey," Ashton replied, laying down on the chaise next to Claire, grinning ear to ear. Whenever he smoked, he was even more smiley and giggly than he normally was. "So, since when do you wanna get high with me, miss goody-goody?"

"Oh, please, Ash," Claire rolled her eyes. "Haven't you heard? I'm actually quite the smoker now." She finished her comment with a wink.

"Bullshit," Ashton laughed.

"I'm serious! I've been to some parties with Dan, gotten drunk, gotten high, you know. Just getting the whole high school experience," she winked.

"Oh, ok. I know you for fourteen years and can't get you to drink or smoke ever, then Daniel comes along and you turn into a regular party girl? I see how it is," Ashton feigned hurt.

"Look, I know you don't like Dan, but," Claire started.

"Oh, no, I love Dan!" Ashton said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Claire giggled, rolling her eyes. Ashton bit the inside of his lip to hold back a smile. 

"Ok, I'm just saying that I think you'd really like him if you got to know him," she insisted.

"Very doubtful," he replied.

"I just don't understand why the two of you don't like each other," Claire continued.

"Old rivalries die hard, sweetheart," Ashton answered.

"Come on, let's go jump on the trampoline," Claire smiled deviously, getting up from her chaise and grabbing Ashton by the wrist, pulling him up before the two started sprinting toward the trampoline.


holy jesus has it really been 7 months since i put up the first chapter? ok so here's chapter 2 lol

and i just wanna say that i don't vape or smoke weed so i don't know the correct terminology and whatnot

ok so vote and comment it ya dig it 

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