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"Ash, you're crazy about her. Why don't you just ask her out already?" Luke sighed.

"You know exactly why," Ashton snapped.

"She's got a boyfriend and he's a total loser."

"Wait, she's still with Dan?" Luke asked, astounded.

"Yeah. Even after he's lied to her, he's cheated on her," Ashton shook his head.

"It just makes me so mad; Claire is such a nice girl. I don't know what she sees in that asshole," Ashton continued.

"Well," Luke said, "we're just going to have to make her see the douchemonster that he really is."


ok so this is kinda gonna be based off of the 5sos song 'just saying' i don't know how this story is gonna turn out but just go with it ok?

ALSO i haven't seen any stories based off of this song i actually had this idea on my own surprisingly

just saying » ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now