Savage Intentions

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"Hawke, would you please stop that pacing? You pace more than any other person I have ever met in my life! You know I heard once that if a man digs a big enough hole he could fall clear through the earth and land in china. I think you're probably getting pretty darn close with that ditch you're wearing in the yard with them feet." Jack exclaimed as he sat on the newly built porch and sharpened the knife that Hawke had given him. Hawke stopped pacing and glared over at him.

"Yes and you talk more than any person I have met in my life. I think if someone tied your mouth shut, your head would fill with so much hot air that it would explode." he replied. Jack grinned broadly.

"Boom." he said with a chuckle. Hawke just looked at the boy and shook his head. He heard a loud moan of pain come from inside the cabin and he began pacing again with Wolf following his every step.

"I should be in there." he grumbled. He kept thinking of his mother who had died after giving birth. He could not lose Lily and he prayed to God to let him keep his wife. Jack nodded.

"And if you hadn't been being such a grouch, Allie and Doc Mason wouldn't have run you out." he said matter of factly.

"Give me a piece of that." Hawke said holding out his hand as Jack pulled some jerky from his pocket. Jack handed him a piece and they both began to chew for all they were worth.

Three long hours they had been outside in the frigid January air. Hawke had been pacing and Jack had been sharpening. By now Jack was pretty darn sure this knife would slice through steel like hot butter.

"How long does it take to have a baby?" Jack said, tapping his foot impatiently on the wooden boards of the porch. Just then the loud cry of an infant came out of the cabin and Hawke nearly knocked Jack out of his chair as he ran into the house.

"Did you see that, Wolf?" Jack asked with a chuckle. "He darn near took my head clean off." Wolf huffed out a breath and then flopped down on the ground, relieved that the alpha had finally stopped pacing.

Hawke had never been as nervous as he was standing outside of the bedroom door and trying to compose himself before walking in. Doc walked out of the room and smiled at him.

"Your wife is fine, Hawke." he said patting him on the back. "And your daughter is beautiful." Hawke felt his heart swell. He had a daughter. Hawke had never thought that he wanted a family and now he could not imagine how he could ever go back to living without them.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get in there." Doc said. "I'll ride out tomorrow and check on everybody." Hawke nodded and walked into the bedroom. Allie had her hands full of wrapped up sheets and towels and she smiled at him.

"I'll leave you three alone." she said and she left the room to go get started washing laundry. Hawke looked over at the bed and felt a pride like he had never felt before fill him. Lily was lying in the bed, propped up against the wall and holding their tiny baby in her arms. Lily's hair was wet with sweat and her face was tired and pale but her dark eyes were bright and full of happiness when she smiled up at him.

"She's a girl." Lily said with a sleepy voice. Hawke nodded and walked slowly to the bed. He sat down beside of Lily and smoothed her sweaty hair from her face before pressing his lips to her forehead.

"We have a daughter." he said and Lily shook her head as she smiled up at him.

"You are an amazing man, Hawke. You are the best man that I know."

"Being with you makes me better." Hawke replied honestly. There had been a time when he had been cold and indifferent to the world around him but not anymore. Lily had opened his eyes to how warm life could be and because of that simple gift he would do anything for her.

Savage Intentions (2nd in Savage Series)Where stories live. Discover now