Chapter Ten

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"My brother is dead. Who the hell are you?" Jack asked while taking a wide legged stance and putting his thumbs through his belt loops. Hawke took Buck's reins and led the horse into the barn to put him in his stall and hang the deer.

"It's me Brian. I'm not dead, Jack." Jack looked at Brian and though he wanted to deny that he was his brother, the family resemblance was too strong.

"Where the hell have you been all these years and why did ma and pa say you died?" Jack asked through his shock. He had spent the last five years believing he had no real family left and right here was his brother who was supposed to have been dead the last eleven years.

"They ran me off when I turned twelve." Brian replied with a shrug. "Guess I got to be too much of a man for that drunk bastard to want around." That wasn't the truth but that was what he was going to tell Jack for now.

"I can't believe you're here." Jack said. "I can't believe I have family."

"Do not say something like that in front of Lily. She considers you to be a part of this family." Hawke's deep, emotion free voice came from inside the barn. Jack was struck with a bit of guilt. He would have to make sure to be more careful about what he said around Lily, Hawke and Allie. He didn't want any of them to think he didn't appreciate all they had done for him. But standing in front of him was his family. His real family and he was happier than hell to find out he had a brother.


"Well thank you for the dinner, Lily. That was just about the best venison stew I've ever eaten." Brian said as he pushed his bowl away and patted his belly. He pulled out some tobacco and papers and began to roll a cigarette.

"I'm glad you liked it." Lily said with a tight smile. She did not like Brian. All evening he had been telling Jack stories about living the life of freedom. He had been bragging about living with no rules and no bosses. Sleeping under the stars and having no responsibilities and Lily could tell that Jack was taking in every word.

This Brian was trouble and Lily was afraid that Jack was going to fall for his lines and leave them forever. The sound of Sarah crying in her cradle came from the bedroom and Lily quickly left the room, happy for an excuse to get away.

Hawke watched her go and shook his head sadly. He hated to see his wife hurting and when it was the very boy he considered to be a son that was causing her the pain it just made him angrier and more confused. Hawke knew without a doubt that Jack and Brian were brothers because Brian talked just as much as Jack did. Between the two of them there had not been a quiet moment all evening.

Hawke ignored Brian's words and instead focused on Jack's reaction to them. Jack was a sixteen year old boy and he was looking at Brian as if he was some kind of hero when Hawke knew that Brian was nothing more than a good for nothing outlaw. He spoke of freedom and no responsibilities but Hawke got the feeling that Brian was part of something bigger. Hawke would not be surprised to learn that he was part of a gang and he was scared that Jack would get pulled into it as well.

"It is almost dark." Hawke said, his voice was hard and cold as he looked at Brian. "You should be getting back to town." Brian laughed as he struck a match and lit his cigarette.

"I ain't afraid of the dark, injun." he replied matter of factly. Then his eyes narrowed and he jumped from the table.

"You damn mutt!" he yelled angrily as he stormed across the living room and jerked his hat from Janna's mouth. Her teeth had put holes in the brim and he raised his foot to kick her in the head.

"No don't!" Allie screamed. She jumped from the sofa and threw herself in front of Janna and Brian's boot caught her in the leg. She cried out in pain as Jack and Hawke both rose from the table.

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