Chapter Nine

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Wolf lay in the cool grass with the warm sunlight on his fur and closed his eyes to take a well deserved nap. He had just drifted off to sleep and was busy running through a field full of wild flowers chasing rabbits with fluffy white tails when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his tail.

His eyes flew open as he yelped and jumped to his feet and there she was. Janna. Her teeth were latched onto his tail and as he spun in circles trying to shake her off her paws lifted off the ground and she spun through the air behind him.

Wolf snorted and sat back down. He glared at Janna and she let go of his tail and rolled over onto her belly, snorting happily. Wolf grunted and laid back down. He was four years old and far to too old to be putting up with this pups nonsense. Janna stood up and walked up to his head that was resting on his paws. She sat down and whined and Wolf knew she was wanting him to get up and play.

He grunted and turned his head away from her. He had just spent the morning out hunting with the alpha and the loud one Jack. The alpha had sent him home to protect the females and he did not have time for playing with the pup. She raised her paw and swatted his nose. Wolf swatted her back and she yipped happily. Wolf sighed…

If you can't beat them join them. He thumped his tail several times and rolled over onto his stomach. Janna jumped on top of him and the two of them began to wrestle around the yard. Wolf kept allowing Janna to tackle him and hold him down by the throat. He told himself that he wasn't playing, he was simply giving her a good lesson for hunting and protecting when she got older.

Suddenly a scent reached Wolf's nose and he growled low in his throat and jumped up to his feet, his body tensing. Janna sensed the change in him and she sniffed the air as if wanting to find the scent he was so threatened by.

Wolf recognized the scent. It was the evil man from town. The one who smelled like Jack only different. Wolf knew the man was hiding just behind the tree line and he started forward with slow and deliberate steps, his growling growing louder. Just then the man stepped out of the trees, he was leading a horse by the reins and he pulled his gun when he saw Wolf. Wolf just lowered his head and kept walking to the man. This was the Alpha's land and this man did not need to be here.

Lily heard Wolf's growling through the open cabin door and she ran outside to see a man walking out of the woods with a gun pointed at Wolf, who was stalking toward the man with Janna right behind him.

"No! Don't shoot him please!" Lily called out as she ran off the porch. "Wolf, Come." She said sternly. Wolf stopped in his tracks and slowly turned and walked over to Lily, though he remained tense and on edge as he stood beside her and stared hard at the man.

"What's going on?" Allie asked walking out on the porch. She saw the man and quickly went back inside to get the rifle.

"Who are you?" Lily called out nervously. The man walked closer and Lily saw he was leading a black horse by the reins. He put his gun away and smiled.

"We met in town the other day ma'am. I was passing through the woods and came across your cabin." Lily's fear was nearly a living tangible thing as she looked at the man. She recognized him from town and the same uneasy feeling she had gotten that day came back only this time it was stronger because they were out here at the cabin, where no one would hear her cries for help.

All she could think of was Nathan taking her from her home nearly a year ago and waking up on that cold stage office floor. She shook her head and forced herself to take a deep breath. There was no reason to believe this man would hurt her and she knew that Allie was right behind her up on the porch with the rifle. She would never be a victim again. If this man did have bad intentions she would not allow him to act on them.

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