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'Mommy I miss daddy'

'When are we going back home'

those are the only things Aiden is saying and I can't keep him away from his dad but then again I don't want to see him just yet I just can't, but I will call him just so Aiden could have a day with him. I scroll through my contacts and click on his name dialing his number after the first ring he answers

"Wendy? Hey I really missed-" he says before I cut him off

"Nate Aiden really misses you so I'm going bring him over so he could be with you," I say through the phone

"Yeah that's fine I really miss my buddy when are you stopping by?" he asks

"Um around 3 or 4," I say

"Ok that sounds good," he says "so are you like going to stay here also" he added

"Um no I'm just going to drop him off" I explained

"We could talk about-" he says being cut off by me again

"Nate I know you want to talk about this, but I'm just not ready to hear you talk about some bullshit reason to why you did what you did" I reasoned

"But you will need to listen to the reason why sooner or later," he tells me

"Then I will listen to it later because I don't want to listen to it now, so I will take Aiden around 3or 4 ok bye," I say hanging up before he can talk again

"Aiden" I call out, he quick comes to the room

"Yes," he says in his little cute voice

"Baby you going to visit daddy later ok," I tell him

"YAY!! I'M GOING TO SEE DADDY" he excitedly says jumping around "Mommy can sleep over there?" he ask as he calms down

"Yeah sure" I smiled


It came the time when I drop Aiden off to see nate. I get Aiden out of his car seat and start walking to the front door, I knock waiting for an answer, which was a minute later

"DADDY" Aiden runs to hug his leg

"hey lil man how you been," nate says crouching down

"I missed you," Aiden says hugging him tightly

"I missed you more," nate says kissing his forehead, Aiden then runs off inside

"so uh Aiden wants to sleep here ok," I say looking everywhere but him

"Yeah that's fine," he says quietly "can we please talk about us next week or so"

what part of I'm not ready to talk about this does he not get

"No, I will talk about it when I feel ready to talk about it," I tell him finally looking into his eyes seeing it was red and puffy, I don't know if the redness is from crying or being high, he nods, then I walked away.


"So you took Aiden to Nate's?" Sammy asks I nodded not saying a word "what's wrong?" he asks

"I miss him say but I don't know what to do if I should talk to him or what?" I ask tears running down my face

"You guys just need space" Sam reasoned, and I agree

--Nate's pov--

After she walked away I had an urge to tell her I love her but I was just scared she wouldn't say it back because of my unforgivable mistake.

I see Aiden playing with his toys and action figures

"So how's mommy doing," I ask him

"She been sad," he says still playing with his toys

"Why you say that?" I curiously ask

"I saw her cry before," he says letting his toys go and looking at me with a sad smile "I want mommy to be happy again," he says running to me and hugging me

"Me too buddy," I say rubbing his back

I need to fix this ASAP!

Fame // Nate MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now