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--9months later--

I was laying on my bed just rubbing my huge belly thinking of names to give my baby girl, all of the sudden I feel a sharp pain in my stomach that I couldn't bare, that was until I felt liquid in between my legs

"NATE!!" I yell, he comes in running

"What wrong?" he ask frantically


he looks at me shock then he helps get up and guide me to the car with as grabs a bag of clothes we have packed to be ready for this day

"Aiden come on buddy time to go the hospital" nate calls out

we have talked to Aiden about this day so he would know what to do when it came and now it's here, he comes in running already on the way to the car helping nate by taking the bag, as he seats on his car seat he buckles himself in, which he eventually learn through watching nate and I buckle him in

Nate enters the driver seat and turns on the ignition and starts driving as fast as he could, me in the other hand I try to soothe the pain away by rubbing my belly. We eventually arrive at the hospital the nurses bring me a wheelchair right away to take me to a room.

When I was in the room hooked up on some wire that helps the nurse tell how far apart are the contractions, once they were a minute apart the rushed me to the delivery room,

Nate has called the family so they could take care of Aiden while nate comes in the delivery room with me to help me deliver the baby

After all the pushing and pain I was finally able to give birth to a beautiful baby girl, they hand me my baby to hold on my arms and admire the beauty

"She's beautiful," nate says

"We did well again babe," I tell him with a smile

I was taken back to the room I was previously placed so the family could finally meet her while we were waiting for the family to come in we discuss the name of the baby

When I see Aiden walk in I signal him to walk in he sits on the hospital bed across of me so he could meet his little sister, I hand him his sister he sits there holding her looking at her

"I still wanted a brother," he says looking up at nate and me

Nate takes advantage of this time to take a picture of them. we all were in awe to see Aiden holding his little sister

"So what are you guys going to name her?" Monte asks

I look at nate and smile just think of the name we have picked for her

"Nate and I have decided to name Lydia rose," I say looking back at Aiden and Lydia

"That's a beautiful name sweetie," my mom says

I always dreamed of marrying the love of my life and having a boy first then a girl. Now nate is the father of my kids and also the guy I always wanted to marry

--Nate's pov--

I love my family I marries the most beautiful woman in the whole world that I love more than I love myself and have to beautiful kids with I really can't ask for anything else this what I wanted all my life

[ The End ]

AN;; that was a shitty ending and I'm sorry I hope this book was good though I will be writing another book soon and thank you for the votes and comments (it's funny that both of my books ended in having a baby lol)

Fame // Nate MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now