1| Little Black Dress

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The music blared through my ears as we entered the house. Bodies were pressed against each other as they moved lazily to the music. Cups were everywhere possible, as they scattered the table and were crunched up on the ground.

Covering my ears I yelled at Bella to get her attention as she whipped her head around as I told her this was a bad idea "Have some fun," she yelled over the music as she diminished in the piles of bodies.

I shook my head as I headed off to find a quieter area, as I found a kitchen as couples were making out on the counter and people were sucking liquid of a girl. I srunch up my nose in disgust as I quickly exit the room.

Heading up a flight of stairs I entered a room "Hello," I say soon there was no response I sighed in relief as I closed tbr door sitting on the bed. Trying to relax my head I mentally groaned, knowing I shouldn't of have let Bella drag me to this party.

Not to mention that I was physically uncomfortable from the clothes I was wearing. I pulled the end of they lacy black dress down as it didn't do anything good. The dress was just above my knees, but I hated it I was more of a jeans person.

I looked different then I would Bella made me dress up punk so I would "fit in" with her friends. Though in all honesty I could care less if I would fit in with her friends.

We were total opposites I liked pop they liked punk. They liked loud and I liked quiet. The most used reason I was tagged with Bella was because of her boyfriend Luke, he always insisted I come along with her in every event.

Running a hand through my hair I sighed looking in a mirror, my beautiful braid I worked on for an hour was now tangled and hung low. Red rings surrounded my eyes as they drooped a bit. It was evident I was clearly tired as I looked at the clock. It was half past one as time flew with my thoughts taking over my mind.

Rubbing my eyes I eyed the bed as it looked untouched. Is this anyone's room? Would they mind if I crashed? Still questioning if I should sleep in someone's room that I don't even know if it is someone's I sighed. There was a possible chance I might get raped but at the same time no because I've locked the door.

Finally making up my mind, I kicked off my pumps and shifted into the bed. As I let the silence and mumbled music drifted me to sleep.

"What are you doing in my room?"

The unfamiliar voice made me jolt up as my eyes widened as I flipped my head to meet with a boy in skinny jeans and a cold play shirt. His arms folded across his chest as there was writing his green orbs stared in my hazel honey brown ones.

His red hair a mess as we stared at each other for a minute. Finally I spoke up "Uh I'm- I was tired and I needed to crash a lit-little I'm s-sorry," I stammered.

He lightly chuckled as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "I'll go now," I said quickly slipping on my pumps.

"How will you get home?" I turned my head to look at him as I took in his voice, he definitely wasn't from America his voice was foreign, and beautiful.

"What time is it?" I question.

"Almost four," he said looking at his phone

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.

"Have you seen Bella?"

"Who," he says clueless

"Luke's girlfriend, blonde, tall, bubbly," I said slowly describing Bella.

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