She is with them again...

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Summertime is my favorite, with its warm weather and fun things to do! But this summer is weird... Sam hasn't even talked to me since school ended, so I am wondering if she's not talking to Charles either? Might as well ask him.
Me: "hey! I was wondering if you and Sam have talked since school ended?"
I set my phone down knowing he probably won't answer for a while. So I wait.
* 20 minutes later*
Charles: "hey! Sorry was taking a nap 😂"
"And no she hasn't talked to me since then. What about you?"
Me: "it's chill 😂 and nope she hasn't talked to me either."
The thing is that Sam has been in town since school ended...
Me: " are you doing anything today?"
I wonder if he can hangout?? I hope so I really miss Charles!!
Charles: "nothing can you hang out?"
Me: "yes! I'll meet you at the coffee house downtown in 30?"
Charles: "sounds like a plan ☺️ see you then. love you!"
Me: "I love you too!"
Now time to walk down town gotta grab my head phones first! Can't leave without them haha!
When I get down town I see Sam, holly, and Shawn (her better church going friends...) walking together hand in hand. Like innocent little children... Anger flashes in my eyes!! But they didn't see me so I keep walking till I see Charles. "Charles!!! Guess who I just saw." I say
"Sam,holly, and Shawn." He replied suddenly
"Damn how'd you know??" I ask
"I saw them too... Sam even saw me but didn't say shit or even ColAulidge my existence..." He says with a frown
I give him a big bear hug and say I'm sorry... I really can't believe Sam will act like that with those friends but when she's alone with us she asks like we are her best friends... The hell...

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