1- C.C.

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"Oh my God. She's back."

"Is that really her?"

"I thought she was expelled."

A hand found its way to my shoulder causing me to jump, until a familiar voice spoke from behind. "Don't listen to them, Nyx." A smirk formed on my lips at my fraternal twins attempt to give me advice. Oh, sister. You have no idea how much I've really changed.

Shrugging off her hand, I kept my attention towards the front of me and responded. "Don't worry, Theia. I've got it." I could practically feel my blonde twin's, green eyes drilling into the back of my skull.

If you hadn't already noticed, my parents had a bit of an obsession with Greek mythology considering they named me Nyx, goddess of the dark, and my sister Theia, Titan goddess of light. Then again, not many people get the reference considering nobody really seems to care about that stuff anymore.

Even as I walked to my locker, the whispers followed only a short distance behind, along with my, quite annoying at the moment, twin. I grabbed my schedule, two pencils, and my earphones then slammed the small metal door with such a force, that the whispers ceased for a few joyous moments. Of course, they returned just as quickly as they went making me roll my eyes. Didn't these losers have anything else to do besides gawk and gossip?

"That's all you're getting from your locker?" Theia questioned, warily as she caught up to me, her bubblegum pink pumps clacking against the tiled floor.

"Yes, Theia. That's all I need. It's not like I'm going to stay the whole day anyways." She gasped at my last statement as if I'd just told her Zac Efron had retired and wanted to spend the rest of his days on a remote island. The clacking of her shoes came to an abrupt stop and once again, her eyes began to burn into the back of my skull.

"You're going to skip school? B-but your probation. You could-" I cut her off with an exaggerated sigh.

"I could get caught and go back to Juvie, blah blah blah. Who says I'm going to get caught, Blondie?" I deadpanned. "Are you coming or not, Theia?" My sister rushed to my side, keeping her head down as she stepped into pace with me.

"You're different now, Nyx." She muttered, so low, I almost didn't catch it.

"Yeah, well a lot of things have changed in the past two years." I said coldly before storming off, leaving my sister behind.


I ended up passing right by my first class, not that it mattered; I didn't really enjoy science anyways. The hallways were empty, seeing as class had started 15 minutes earlier so I decided just to head out to the woods behind the school. All I needed was an hour of peace; maybe then, I could go along the rest of my day normally.

I plopped down under a big oak tree and untangled my earphones from the big ball they were in. Just as I pressed play, the sky seemed to darken slightly making me look up. I instantly regretted the action though, because standing above me was Carson Cambridge, otherwise known as my worst enemy and ex boyfriend.

Pretending not to see him, I leaned my head across the tree trunk and closed my eyes. I expected him to leave, but was proved wrong when I felt a finger poke my shoulder. To show I wasn't interested, I began to hum the song that was booming in my ears. Unfortunately, within seconds, my earphones were ripped from my ears, much to my disdain. "What the hell, Cambridge?" My angry eyes, glared into his shocked ones. I quickly took the cord from his hands and lifted myself off the ground.

"It really is you." The dirty blonde, jock mumbled, sounding breathless. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I shoved past him. What is up with everyone and butting into other people's business?

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