Chapter 4

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I woke up on floor. In the lounge room. A sore back, a sore eye, a sore foot, a few broken ribs and a broken wrist. What happened? Mum happened. She didn't mean it though. She hasn't been taking her meds and she's been drinking. I got up, limping to the kitchen. I look at the fridge to see a sticky note.

Going away on business. Love you Be back in two weeks – mum

I sighed. At least it will give me time to heal...Shit! I was gonna go gym tonight. Stupid mum. Haha only thing I'm upset about is her ruining my plans on going to the gym. I decided to use mum's shower and just wear whatever I could find of mine out on the line. Saves me from going upstairs.

Once out of the shower I placed on my long sleeved black v neck and my grey skinny jeans. I wrapped a bandage around my ankle, wrist and stomach before getting changed of course. I used some of mum's make up to cover my bruising eye. I walk as normally as possible to the kitchen where Pete was. Though he saw something was wrong.

“Mum?” He asked. I nodded and smiled. He sighed.

“Want me to get your back from up stairs?” He asked. I nodded. He ran up stairs while I poured him a bowel of serial. He came back down moments later.

“You know you don't have to make me breakfast every morning” He points out. I smile and nod.

“I know, but I want to” I say shrugging. He eats. I bite my lip and close my eyes.

“This is a once in a life time thing Pete...You're gonna have to drive. I know you've been driving on Uncle Garry's land. I've seen you, you're pretty good” I say. He looked nervous but nodded.

“Why don't you call up Ace?” He asked.

“What am I gonna tell him? He's already suspicious” I say. Pete nods.

“But either way he'll find out you're hurt” He says, I sigh. He's right. I grab my phone and dial Ace's number.

“Hey sexy lady” He says huskily down the phone. I laugh slightly then groan in pain.

“Hey...Babe what's wrong?” He asked worriedly.

“I had a bit of an accident. Could you drive me and Pete to school?” I asked nervously.

“Okay I'll be there in five minutes. Just let me put my top on” He says down the phone. I laugh slightly. This time bracing myself for the pain.

“Oh shucks, I was hoping you'd come here topless” I say teasingly. I could hear him chuckling.

“Alright I'm gonna hang up now” He says. I smile.

“Alright, bye love you” I sing down the phone.

“Love you too” He says before hanging up. I smile a goofy smile. I love those three words when it's coming from his sexy ass mouth.

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