Chapter 7

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Hey guys. Hope you enjoy the update. This book isn't going to be a long one. I just started the idea from a dream I had...though I went completely against the dream haha. And NO I didn't dream about a teacher. Just dreamt about to randoms. anyway here's your update. 


It's been a month. They moved me from my school because it's too expensive. They wont let me see Jesse or Brax. They said they had to take my phone from me but I didn't let them. I told them I didn't have one. Idiots believed me. Michael's been pretty sweet. Trying to make me laugh. He's managed to make me smile once.

A month and they still haven't let Holly take me. They say because she is a half sister they have some things they need to file. Kind of like a normal adoption. It sucks. At my new school I'm the freak. I started to self harm. Then I stopped and decided to train like how Ace would want me to. Ace..I haven't been able to see him.

Jesse and Brax said he woke up and was asking for me. They didn't know how to tell him so they didn't answer him. I was only ever aloud to visit my brother. Even then, I would have a social worker with me. It's like torture. Michael says after another month they'll loosen up and give me my freedom. I can't wait another month.

“Hey, where's your dad?” Michael asked. I shrugged. Then went wide eyed.

“How could I forget my dad!? He's financially stable! He works as a school nurse! He could get me out of this!” I say. I ran to my room with Michael right behind me. I called Jesse and Brax while Michael was on look out.

“Krystal!” Jesse says happily.

“Jesse, when you go to school tomorrow, I need you to tell my dad about this. Tell him to come and get me, he's the only one that can get me out as soon as he says he's my dad they'll hand me over. He has to have my birth certificate which he should have on the school's records” I say.

“Awesome! Okay, just hang in there chicka” He says. I smile.

“Love you Jesse” I say.

“Love you too girl” He says. I laugh then hang up.

“I get to go home” I say smiling at Michael. He gave me a smile, though it was forced. I hugged him.

“I'll stay in contact I promise. One more month and your out of here too” I remind him. He smiles.

“Yeah I forgot about that” He says. I laugh.

“No you didn't” I say. He gives me a cheeky grin.

“Your right I didn't” He says laughing.

The next day I went to school as per usual. Michael and I sat together in every class. It was so different at this school. At my old school, I practically owned the this one I was a nobody. A target. A freak.

At the end of the day I drove Michael and I back to the orphanage. One thing they let me keep is my car. Which I was grateful for. Once there I saw my dad. He smiled at me when he saw me. I ran up to him and hugged him. I have never been happier to see him in my life. I missed him so much.

“Hunny, you okay?” He asked me while I hugged him.

“I missed you dad. I know I act like a bitch to you but I missed you so much” I whisper. He lift me up and spun me round.

“I missed you too. Now go get your things. I just finished signing the papers” He says smiling. I grin and grab Michael's hand. Running up to our room.

“I'm gonna miss you Michael” I say truthfully after packing my things. He smiled.

“One month girly” He says. I smile.

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