Chapter 5

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This chapter was really fun to write
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Breakdance: dancing in which solo dancers perform acrobatics that involve touching various parts of the body (as the back or head) to the ground.

I can't wait to put our plan into action and see there reactions, I think as I curl in Aiden's arm hiding my face to scared to see what's coming up next.

Aiden place his arm, that I was holding onto, around me and draws me into his side.

"It's ok it's not real remember," he says, kissing my head.

Holy crap what the hell!! He kissed my forehead, I think as my mind goes into overdrive and I blush red as a stop sign.

I think Stacey obviously saw because she was smiling at me and wiggling her eyebrows

I decided to look up at the wrong time and saw someone's head getting chopped off, while the most freakiest clown I've every seen, turns around with a bloody knife in its hand.

Let's just say everyone's ear drums probably popped and the whole hall would've heard my scream.

I hide my head into Aiden's chest as both he and Jace laugh at me. Aiden rubs my arm soothingly to calm me down, I think as his chest move up and down with laughter. When they stop laughing, I start to draw random patterns on Aiden's chest to hopefully calm myself down.

I hear another ear drum popping scream and realise it was Stacey's.

I bury myself further into Aiden's chest as I hear her scream.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water, come with me Hope," she says in a shaken voice.

"Sure," I say, detaching myself from Aiden and standing up on shaky legs.

We walk into the kitchen because according to Stacey, she doesn't need to go to the bathroom.

"Ok I can't stand another second of that creepy ass shizznit going on in that movie. It's time to put our plan into action," she whispers, getting two cups out of the cupboard and filling them with water.

"Okay, so let's get set up," I say, taking a big gulp of my water.

"Wait before we start, I saw that kiss on the head from Aiden," she says, wiggling her eyebrows once again

"Well... Uhh... shut up?" I grumble, blushing profusely. I couldn't help.

Even though I've only just met him, he has been sweet and stuff, and I might just want to kiss him a teeny tiny little bit.

"I ship it! I ship Hoden!" she declares, raising her hand.

"But let's get to work on our plan," she adds on, walking into the bedroom.

In our room set up in my position, I wait for all the lights to be turned off. As they turn off Stacey screams. If I wasn't in on this plan, I would've thought something had happened to her.

I hear the loud thuds and grunts of the boys as they come towards the room.

"I know your..."Jace begins to say.

"Help me!" Stacey shrills, cutting him off.

Twisting of the door knob is heard but it doesn't open. Thuds soon are heard as they bodies come in contact with he door. Now's my turn to have fun.

"Help me Aiden, please help me," I, fake, cry.

"I'm coming! Just stay put," Aiden says distressed.

I cry loud while Stacey makes random noise making it sound like something bad is actually happening to us. I seriously don't remember with all the adrenaline sprinting through my veins. Wow they must be real gullible to believe this.

"Keys! I've got the keys!" Jace exclaims. Keys jingle near the door and everything goes deathly silent.

The door flings inwards and I sit completely still. They race in looking around in the dark for us. Once they walked passed us, Stacey abruptly shuts the door while I jump onto Aidens back pushing him into the bed.

"Holy fück! Hope, where are you?" Aiden shouts, thrashing trying to shake me off. I slap my hands over his eyes, just before I slip off his back.

Aiden thrusts his elbows back towards me, hitting my sides. I fall onto the bed groaning. A weight, that feels like an elephant, lands on my still aching stomach.

"Who are you?" Aiden hisses, placing his arm against my lungs. OH CRAP, I think. I can't breathe. I didn't mean to do what I did next.

I thrust my knee between his legs hitting him where the sun don't shine. As he groans I use this as my advantage to kick both my legs ,towards his stomach flipping him backwards, accidentally hitting, his head on the top bunk in the process. I climbed on top of him and pin his arms above his head.

"It's me you idiot, Hope," I say.

"It's me you basket case, Stacey," I hear Stacey say, somewhere in the room.

"What? Really? It's you Hope," Aiden says, moving his arms overpowering me.

"Yes," I giggle, rolling off him. I start walking out of the room, bumping into mostly everything in there, before I reach the switch to turn all the lights on. I turn them on and start my victory stroll back to the room. Once I reached the doorway I feel a great weight engulf me.

"Don't ever do that to me again do you hear me. I seriously thought you were hurt," Aiden says hugging me hard. Ok I feel a bit bad now.

"Ok I won't do it again, but you're so gullible," I smile, hugging him back.

"I am not gullible," he grumbles, hugging me harder.

"You sorta are," I replied, once we stopped hugging. Aiden places his arm around me as we follow Stacey and Jace towards the lounge.

"You scared us to the point of a heart attack nearly," Jace says, falling into the couch.

"That's not even possible." Stacey retorts, flopping down onto the other couch.

"How about we all watch a movie we all actually like to watch and agree on. 22 Jump Street?" I suggest.

"Hell yes," everyone yells enthusiastically.

I get up and place the DVD into the player before sitting back down next to Aiden. Once again he places his arm around my shoulders.

"With the moves you got I don't think anyone's gonna hurt you anytime soon" he whispers into my ear as the movie start

"Thanks," I say, resting my head on his shoulder.

What is with me? Why am I all so cosy, cosy with Aiden?

As the movie starts Stacey decides to comment.

"I still can't believe you were soooo gullible to believe that. We don't even have windows in the room,"

Hey people.

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I've just been on a bit of a vacation.

So my cousin raychellynch24 just wrote new book and wouldn't mind if you checked it out. Please go tell her what you think.

Also tell me what you think of this chapter! I hope you like it
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Till next time

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