Chapter Nine

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After my oh so loving brother dropped the bomb on me, Brenda ordered him to leave. Tyler, being the idiot he truly is, didn't leave without causing a scene. Thank goodness he didnt wake up the kids with all his ruckus.

Brenda finally managed to throw my brother off my property and made sure he drove off before coming back to calm me down. Tears were streaming down my face with signs of never stopping. Nick, Caleb and Jared tried cheering me up but nothing worked even with all the dumb stuff they did like farting in front of Brenda's unsuspecting face. Isaac merely held me without ushering a word, knowing I needed to just be comforted and let it all out.-

Luke was seated across from me, a thoughtful look in his eyes as he watched me intently. Isaac called it a night and asked everyone- including Brenda- to leave.

That night, Isaac held me tighter than ever, not ever letting me go even after i finally fell unconscious with my mother was alive all this time as my last thought.

* * * * *

My hands were wrapped tightly on the steering wheel, my knuckles turning bone white. The street was pitch black with rain pouring from the clouds, no sign of it stopping anytime soon.

"Julianna." A voice mumbled in the passenger seat. I peek to the side and see my dad slouched beside me. His brownish-red hair gelled back so his bright blue eyes are in sight, his lips are pressed into a tight line, pain evidently displayed.

"Daddy, what are you doing here?" I squeaked, completely freaked out. I haven't seen my dad in months, but now here he is sitting besides me.

"Sweety, be careful!" A horn blared loudly as we approached beaming white lights. I slammed my foot on the brake and tried swearving the car to miss the other one coming our way, but it was no use.

The impact made my body jerk back and forth before the airbags poofed. I could hear my father groaning besides me and I tried everything to move, but it was no use, the belt tightened more and more as I truffled to break free, squeezing me till I couldn't breath anymore as I heard my father cry in pain as red swallowed us alive.

"DAD!" I jolt awake, sweat beading down my forehead. I glance around the dark room and see the digital clock reading 1:35 a.m. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and take deep breaths, trying to calm my hectic heartbreak back to normal.

"Hey, it was just a nightmare." The bed moves beside me as weight shifts closer to me. Isaac manages to sit up and wraps me into a comforting hug whispering sweet nothings in my hair. I still feel my heart pounding against my ribs, fighting to get out.

"It-it was so real." i mumble, fisting my hands on his bare chest. We stay like that, seated in silence for a moment before Isaac gently grabs ahold of my shoulders and slightly pushes me back, trying to look me square in the eyes in the dark.I pull away from his hold and reach over to the lamp seated on my mahogany bedside and switch it on, trying to get a clear view of him. His brown hair is tousled, still looking handsome with his messy bed head. His ocean blue eyes are stormy, curiosity and worry shining clearly as he watches me, his cheeks flushed from how hot the room is and his lips are formed in a worries frown. We stayed like that, studying each other carefully, not speaking a single word but yet still talking to each other with our eyes.

The wind howled outside the window, the rain pattering on the roof, creating an eerily yet calming feeling at the moment. My mind kept on dazing off back in to that horrid dream. My father, my dead father withering in pain as I drove God knows where in the middle in the night before a car collided head on with us, causing him to cry in pain while I did nothing before I woke up.

"Want to talk about it?" He spoke, finally breaking the silence. I snap out of my trance and find him sitting across from me, not even a centimeter of space between us. I stare into his gentle blue eyes, dying to find an answer I know I wouldn't find. I take a moment to collect myself, allowing my heartbeat to go back to normal.

"I never dreamt of my father, not after the first week of his death." I breath, trying to keep my emotions under control. "I've never had this nightmare before. It had always been moments of my childhood. him and I playing in the backyard, playing soccer, having a cookout, just us star gazing, him doing my hair, Drew, Tyler and I going to the park with him. Even that one morning when I woke up and my mother was gone. That dream was the most popular. LBut never had I had this one." I shook my head, trying to keep my mind at bay and the tears from falling. My hands shook and my breath staggered. It took a few moments before I managed to control myself again. Isaac had stayed quiet as I told him the nightmare. His eyes trained on me the whole time, never once glancing away. When I was finally done, it felt like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders and evaporated into thin air. That pain I felt hearing my dad cry out my name, it was still there but just not as much as before.

"Come 'ere." He opened his arms wide and I gladly crawled to him. We stayed like that, him holding me and my tears freely falling for the second time tonight, staining his chest for a while until my eyes finally drained of tears. Isaac whispered soothing things to me, kissing my forehead time and time again. Never did he stop being gentle with me, even after I was done crying my eyes out. He continued to hold me until I managed to fall into unconsciousness again, and dare I say, I think I might be getting use to Isaac being this close to me. The thought sent a wave of worry and fear throughout me before I felt his lips gently press on my hair. I knew then, that maybe it would be a good thing.


Hey guys! Thanks so much to cx_hello for helping me , you mean so much chica!

I hope you guys enjoy reading this story, please feel free to leave comments, votes and all the love!



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