Chapter Seventeen

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We quickly dart out the car and into the house's warm embrace.

"What should we have for dinner?" I wonder, unstrapping Drew's jacket and let him crawl away towards his toys in the living room floor.

"We should order Chinese." Luke suggests, setting the babies carriers next to the couch before taking his jacket off.

He begins ordering the food on his LG why I carry Drew to fetch him a bottle of orange juice.

"Food should be here in half an hour." Luke announces, strolling into the kitchen tucking his cellphone in his front pocket.

"Okay." I nod, handing Drew his Spider Man bottle before letting him crawl away.

We watch him carry his petite figure to the living room, where he decides to plop down on a blanket on a floor with pillows surrounding him.

I decide to clean a little before everyone gets here. I quickly sweep the dirt, dust and whatever else is lying around on the floor out the back door and quickly wash the dishes as Luke dries. We keep a casual conversation as we do the chores around the house as Drew naps as the TV drones on and on. Lastly, I open the wooden cabinet on my left and stretch to the tip of my toes, trying to reach for the rag taunting me at the edge of the top shelve.

"Here, I got it." I jump at the sound of Luke's voice so near. I feel his chiseled chest pressed against my back as his arm stretches out and snags the piece of cloth easily before handing it to me.

"Uhm, t-thanks." I stutter, my heart pounding erotically against my rib cage as chills course through my body as his breath his the nape of my neck.

"No problem." His lips brushing my ear as his hand closes the cabinet and the other grabs ahold of the counter top on my other side.


"Babe?! I'm home." Isaac's voice calls as the front door opens and closes seconds later.

Luke and I jump apart, heat rushing to my face as Isaac emerges, a Cheshire smile on his face as he closes the small distance and presses his lips to mine eagerly. Sparks and warmth evade my body where we touch, the kiss making me forget that our friend who I shared a weird moment with seconds ago is standing a foot or so away. But with this kiss, I am a hundred prevent certain that THIS right here - Isaac and this life style- is what I want.

"I missed you." He pecks my lips sweetly before resting his forehead against mine, his eyes burning with pure adoration.

"I missed you too." I smile a goofy grin at him. Before I can say anything else, we hear Luke clear his throat, pulling us from own little bubble.

"Hey man." Isaac greets, doing the handshake guys do with a goofy grin still on his face.

"Yeah, hey." Luke says, his eyes never leaving my face....




Soooo, I'm sorry this is short, but I honestly did not know what to write...

Its 11:11 make a wish . ...

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