Chapter Twenty-Four

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So, I didn't know you were ready for that!" Brenda smirks, mischief shinning in her eyes, clearly wanting all the juicy gossip.

"BRENDA!" I scold, so no ready to talk about that with her, not clearly understanding myself how we got carried away. I smoothly navigate through the car packed road, trying to avoid a collision with all these maniacs drivers speed past us.

"What! I've told you everything going on with the boys." She justifies, tossing her glorious hair over her shoulder while shrugging.

"Well, what you saw was what happened." I declared vaguely, not wanting this conversation to go any further. How my friend manages to speak of her intimate life so carelessly is beyond me. I mean, I know I'm her best friend, but I get awkward talking about my life with Isaac, that's just for our four walls and no-one else's business.

Of course Tyler's always popping in and out of the house, so there isn't much to do since we barely have alone time, but we make the most of it when we can.

Vince, my brother's best friend since childhood, has been trying to text me or even call but Isaac always happens to be around my phone when Vince tries and let's just say Isaac isn't a fan. He had always heard Vince and I were together, even though that's an utter lie, my brother would have murdered his best friend. But to the world, it was the cliché my brothers-best friend-and-his-little-sister romance, and no one ever said a word, because to them, it made all the guys steer clear of me.

Vince had always been there for me, but what Tyler didn't know was that Vince actually did develop feelings for me romantically, I just didn't reciprocate them. I've always seen him as an older brother and nothing more. He had been there for me for the accident and when I was just beginning to take over being the caregiver of Drew. He never once forgot that I was hurting too and for that I'll always be grateful. But now, he seems to want to swoop me off my feet, which Isaac of course loaths.

"Cmon, I've got to go get Drew." I sigh, pushing the door open and steeping out of the truck. Brenda mirrors my actions and hastily we make our way inside, greeting the usual employees and make way for my baby.

Brenda looks around and sees all the kiddos giggling away without a care in the world, broad, joyful smiles illuminating their beautiful faces and they play with they toys, happiness fully the atmosphere that's so contagious, you can't help but smile along with them.

"You know, one day when I'm finished majoring in my career, have my place and find the right person, I want a baby. A little bundle of joy that I could only make." Brenda sighs dreamiling, thinking about the endless possibilities for her future.

"You'll have that B, just don't rush. Everything happens on its own time." I side hug her giving her shoulders a light squeeze as we nod away smiling.

Drew was fast asleep in his crib, hugging his favorite blanket for dear life.

"He just fell asleep, so he should be out for a while." Jaime, the newest member informs me, with a braces covered smile. Her beautiful red hair is swept to a side braid, completely bareing her beautiful freckles and bright green eyes. Since today's her first say, she seems so happy being around all these children and she seems to be good at her job.

"Thanks Jaime. We'll see you tomorrow." I smile, picking up my baby and slowly placing him in his carrier.

We make our way back to the car and secure ourselves in before making the drive home. We converse about lighter subjects, mostly assignments, especially the one with the babies. Turns out Chelsea burned her babies head trying to 'curly her babies hair and Dianne keeps putting make up on her son.

How those to will pass the class is anyone's wild guess.

"We're here." I announce, putting the car in park and turn the ignition off.

I decide to leave the carrier in the suv and just carry Drew inside the house.

Everyone's doing their own thing as we come in, Jared's watching TV, Luke's on his phone, Caleb's in the fridge rummaging around, Nick's outside mowing the lawn shirtless and Isaac is no where to be seen.

"Finally! Jewels can you make me something to chow down on?" Caleb begs, running to me like an eager child.

"No." I laugh, completely neglecting the puppy eyes look he's giving me.

"Okay, you look tasty enough." He shrugs, before I came even utter a word I feel like bite my neck.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I hear an angered Isaac growl behind Caleb, seconds before he's pulled away from me and airborne onto Jared's lap.

"I was kidding!" Caleb wails, dashing away to one of the bed rooms. Why they always try to irritate Isaac I'll never know.

"Ouch, he left a mark." Nick claims, pointing at my neck.

Brenda's delicate fingers push my cheek to the side, allowing her more of view of my neck.

"I'm surprised you're not bleeding." She hums, everyone completely oblivious ti Isaac's disappearance.

"AAHHHH!" We hear Caleb screech like a banshee as he trips down the stairs, complete terror lighting up his face and he glances overfishing shoulder, never loosing speed. "I didn't mean toooo. I'm SORRY!" He wails, trying to outrun death.

"Oh, you will be!" Isaac belows, throwing a shoe perfectly at center of Caleb's head, making him tumble down the remaining three steps.

"Lord have mercy!" He cries up at Isaac, clasping his hands together and as if praying at him.

Mind you, we're all just standing on the sidelines, watching this all throw down.

"Isaac, it's okay. He was just playing." I sigh, setting Drew down so he can go play with uncle Nick, his ultimate favor uncle by the way.

"He left a mark!" He points at my neck with an accusing finger.

I sigh and just reach for his hand, completely done with this charade.

"It's already gone man." Luke informs, rubbing his temple at the headache these baboons probably caused. I turn to him and he hands me Eziquiel, the baby with green eyes.

Everest is probably sleeping right now Drew's crib, since he's no where to be seen

"I always wondered, how come you never freaked out that Julie had twins with Luke." Jared wonders, completely changing the topic.

We all freeze and slowly turn our attention to him, completely bewildered at his outspoken thoughts.

"Honey. " Brenda shakes her head in disbelief. She walks over to her wailing daughter, Penelope. They finally decided to name her and her nickname is Penny. I'm just glad the fighting over the name is over, they had asked us to take sides, I kid you not it made us all argue for an hour and a half.

Isaac and Caleb got lucky, they didn't have to do this damn project. How they got out of it, they won't say. I just wish Isaac would've gotten me out of it too!

"They didn't have set dumbshit." Nick sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.

We watch as he processes this, completely bewildered with the new information.

"Nicky say whaaa..?" Jared cries, completely at a lost with this.

Well, a little late but worht the wait I hope 🥰 I hope you guys like it😘

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