The gig

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Hey anybody who's reading this! What do you think Alexander means by 'I can't control myself around you?' Vote Comment Fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : p

After Alexander had dropped me off and I had went up to my room I fell asleep dreaming of him. The next day after I had gotten up and ate brexfast I started practicing my solos. I was halfway through Sorry you're to late when I heard a car horn go off. I looked out the window to see Alexander's mini-cooper waiting on me. I grabbed my purse, slung my gutair over my shoulder and headed out the door. "Hey," I said once I got close to him. "Hey, do you want to go on another date with me tonight?" he asked. "Yeah! Can this one by somewhere else other than your house?" I half-joked. "Yeah, but it's still a surprise," I nodded and gave him a kiss. He drove to the auditorium. "Jasmine?" he started to fiddle with his ring. "Yeah Alexander?" I asked. Every time he messed with his ring he started acting serious. "We've gone out now and well I was wondering if you considered me your boyfriend or not," he looked at me shyly. "Yes I consider you my boyfriend," he smiled and grabbed my hand. We walked up the stairs and into the auditorium. "Hey guys our next concert is tommorrow, so today is practice, practice, practice," Rick said. Oh no! I'm not ready! I looked up at Alexander. He just smiled reasuringly down at me. We walked up the side stairs to the stage. I hooked the amp up to my gutair and started the scale. "Okay first we do Sorry you're to late, then we do Living in tommorrow's yerterday, after that we do Rocking hard in the boulavard. We're just the opening act so we have to get the croud pumped up!" Chris encouraged. "So don't be afraid to jump around and really get into it," Tom said. "We're going to have a costume dresser and a makeup artist to help us out on our looks," Jessica said eagerly. I smiled through the butterflys in my stomache and we started practicing. When Rick called our five minuete break Alexander took me inside his dressing room. He pressed his lips against mine and the butterflys in my stomache dissapeared. "Feel better now?" he asked. "Yeah," I pressed my lips back to his and ran my fingers through his hair.

After practice Alexander took me to the carnival. He bought me cotton candy and ice cream and cinnomon roles. We rode all the rides even the kiddy ones that we could get on. He won me a stuffed panda bear and a huge domo plush. In return I won him a pink squirell. He smirked when I handed it to him. When we left I fell asleep on the ride home. When we got to my house he woke me up. "I'll pick you up for our gig tomorrow, okay?" he asked. "Mmhmm," I mummered. "Can you walk?" he smiled. "Carry me," I sighed. He laughed, but picked me and my stuff up anyway. When we got to the door he grabbed my key off my purse and unlocked the door. Thank god, my parents are asleep! He carried me allthe way to my room where he laid me down kissed my forehead and climbed out my window.

The next day I woke up and grabbed my gutair and practiced till my fingers started to hurt. About an hour after I started practicing a horn sounded outside. I grabbed my purse and walked to Alexander's mini-cooper. "You ready?" he asked once we were inside his car. "As I'll ever be," he chukled and drove away from my house. Ten minuetes later we walked inside the auditorium. We went to seperate dressing rooms and began to get ready. A lady grabbed a dress off a rack that said Living Central when I stepped through the door of the dressing room. The dress was black with white lace. She gave me a pair of black and white striped knee-high socks and a pair of high-top converse. I got dressed and she sat me down in front of a mirror with lights on the top. She applied my makeup easiely. Next she curled my long black hair into soft curls then she added in white hair extentions. When she was done I walked out to meet with the rest of the band. They were all tuning their instruments and making sure everything was in check. Alexander pecked me lightly on my lips and I giggled. "Are you ready?" he wisphered. I nodded and we started to practice.

An hour later we all stood back stage listening to the crowd scream and yell. "Five minuetes till show time guys,"  a backstage director called. Alexander held my hand tightly. "Three minuetes," the director called. I closed my eyes and smiled. "Showtime!!!"

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