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Please vote and enjoy! :) 

And sorry if this seems short. It gets better I promise :))  


The girl in the brown leather jacket and boyfriend jeans looking oh so terribly mismatched in a place of expensive suits and dresses?

That was me.

I saw an opening past the security of Caesars as a bevvy of voluptuous curvy women swept by me in their tight skimpy outfits towards the casino.

I leaped forward into the elevator just in the nick of time as a security guard turned to look at the women with a grin of appreciation and quickly jammed the button repeatedly for the top floor, as if that would make the elevator go any faster.

A million questions ran through my mind, how did Olyver get into a famous hotel let alone book a pent house suite without getting caught?

I'd start with the tapes if I had access. My best guess was he was in disguise using a false identity. I'd want to know who was manning the reception the day he was booked in. How did he pay for the bill? Was it through a card? What was he doing here? Was he here to shoot pool, gamble or sun bathe?

The bell hop who had tipped us off claimed to have seen Olyver on the pent house floor had been helpful to the extent of the bribe I'd paid, and promised to give me a five minute head start before he alerted the management and in sue the cops that would seal of the portion of the hotel for investigation taking days before they finally released a very unhelpful one sentence statement to the press.

I was already shaping my story in my head, thinking about this dangerous man on a mission that had singlehandedly outwitted and shamed the nation's bragging yet wannabe Alcatraz like prison. 

It was fascinating really.

Olvyer had left a trail of destruction right up to Las Vegas, the city of sin the place was surreal if you've never been. If you have, you know what I mean. But this was no sight-seeing and gambling my life-savings adventure for me I was about to uncover the truth behind the nation's most wanted man.

I stuffed the remnants of my cheese burger into my purse when I heard the elevators Ding and rested my hand on my camera as if it were my weapon.

I listened and waited.

It was awfully quite, the only sound was the rush of cool recycled air humming through the vents.

I exhaled and then started sneaking very suspiciously if I might add along the corridor in search of Olyver's room.

All the rooms looked relatively undisturbed until I grinded to a halt in front of one particular penthouse suite, there were abrasions in the soft carpeting which only meant that there was activity that had recently taken place. I decided to jiggle the handle before taking out my credit card just in case.

The door noiselessly swung in. Someone had attached tape over its lock.

"Today's your lucky day Gia", I muttered under my breath.

Before I could take another step inside, I stopped, my mind doing back flips.

It had been a long time since I took a work related field trip and right now I was diving right in without thinking rationally. I was forgetting how the man worked. For all I knew this place was riddled with Booby traps of all sorts or worse he could still be inside spinning on a wheel chair, stroking his machete.

Outside the building, loud sirens noisily rang through the street, the darn cops had been summoned. I flung out a curse at the smug little bell hopper. Five minutes my ass.

It's now or never. I stood in the door not wanting to go all the way inside as a precaution my hand outstretched all the way inside of the dark suite I started snapping away in every direction like a crazed ghost hunter.

The elevators sound of arrival and the scuffle of people getting off it pulled me away from my shooting reverie.

I clenched my teeth and stuffed my camera into my bag.

My work here was done.


Short and sweet but about to get a whole lot better ;))

Vote please! What did you think of Gia? 

I need your help on selecting a cast, who do you think would play Olvyer best?

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