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After making dry runs to the market, I stopped at my favorite Mexican deli for some take out.

I was in a hurry to get home and work on my case. The brutal murders of three Norwegian men as well as two cops from a trigger grenade trap placed in the suite (I was right after all), and a missing hooker at Caesar's hotel had brought a flurry of investigative journalists from all over the country in a short span of three hours right after the bust in at the Caesar's and I needed to stay at top of my game.

Fresh out of the shower I ran my fingers through my wet short hair gradually shaking the wetness until I reached the nape of my neck, it dried a lot faster that way.

Putting on my underwear and a sports bra I stepped into the kitchen to get my now warm dinner, my laptop laid open impatiently on the coffee table and I couldn't wait to work on my story.

Midway into unloading the groceries, I froze into a statue.

I hadn't switched on my laptop.

The prickling at the back of my neck was telling me that I had also missed the slick, good looking guy sitting beside it on my sofa. An icy wave of fear and alarm hit me. My empty stomach lurched and a shiver ran down my spine.

I had been completely unaware of him.

How did he get inside my apartment?

Back tracking out into the hall, I stopped in front of the intruder, my feet stuck to the ground as his bright green eyes met mine.

I was completely skunked.

"I'm sorry we had to meet this way, Miss Fisher" His smooth voice rang through the thick unnerving silence.

Could I make a run for my phone?

No I didn't think so.

I was not only scared shitless, I was furious thinking about how this could be my last moments as I spied the unmistaken barrel of a gun under his jacket.

I don't want to die in my bra and underwear!

"I don't have much on me. But whatever's in my purse is yours. Take it!" I was surprised at how calm I sounded even though the blood was deafeningly roaring through my ears.

He leaned back and smiled lazily placing his feet on my coffee table. "I'm slightly offended you do not recognize me"

"Should I?" My curiosity was over riding caution big time.

You can think of me as your friend Gia" The man said suddenly thickening his accent.

My heart stopped and my blood ran cold.

Olyver Alvarez was in my living room.



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