Heart Not Head.

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This is more of an explanation for something that I don't think many of you have thought about.

When someone is committing suicide, using a gun, where does the person, 99% of the time, shoot?

Their head.

And where did America shoot?

Well, it wasn't really his heart, but an attempt at his heart.

So why? Why did he shoot his heart, not head?

Because he can deal with the thoughts in his head. All those suicidal, depressing thoughts are what he can deal with. What he can't deal with is the constant pain.

People say to listen to your heart. But he just couldn't deal with what his heart was telling him.

There was a pain, a constant ache in his chest. America felt as if it were coming from his heart. And he could not stand that emptiness that seemed to only fill with pain.

So instead of shooting away the thoughts in his head- he shot away the pain in his heart. Because it wasn't his mind driving him insane, but the whispering in his hollow chest.

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