Chapter 34

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The throbbing in her head became more noticeable, and the whole world was now spinning, blurring as it span. It was understandable how Sang mistaken it for tears. She didn't notice Nathan call her name before he eyes rolled back in her head and she started falling, but before she could hit the floor or black out, big, strong and warm arms caught her that smelt of the ocean.

" Silas," Sang manged to get out in gasp, before her world was surrounded by a darker black that the one that surrounded her.


Sang woke up what seemed like hours later in the medical room, which she had been in once before after one of her mothers mad punishments.

But, that was yesterday. So why was she...

The beauty gasped as the memories came back to her, and she sat strait up in bed, ignoring the throbbing pain in her head, her mind only being on one thing.

And that one thing went by the name Gabriel Coleman.

Where was he? Was he alright? Was he in a coma? Had he woken up?

Where was he, damn it!

" Sang! Your awake! Are you okay?" Kota said. It was then she noticed all the Academy boys gathered somewhere in the room.

Her eyes found there way over Gabriel, who was asleep in the bed next to her. He had been cleared up and looked like his usual self, thank God.

" Is Gabriel okay?" Sang asked, remembering that Kota was awake.

" Is Gabriel okay? Sweetie, is that all you can ask when-" Kota didn't get to finish his sentence because Sang gave him a look that said, loud and clear 'tell me if Gabriel is okay, god damn it!'.

" Yeah. He woke up a few hours ago and flipped out over you. Dr Green had to inject him with something to get him to calm down and go to sleep. He says he'll be asleep for a while, "Are you okay?"

Sang thought about that question. Was she okay? Mentally, yes, she was perfect knowing that Gabriel was okay. Physically, not so much. Her head was driving her insane and every part of her was aching.

" I'm fine," despite the fact that she would do anything to get rid of her pain, she didn't want to worry Kota any more than he most likely had.

Kota gave her a look that clearly said he didn't believe her, but before he could say anything about it, Sang was lying back down on her bed, muttering a quick night, put the blanket over her head, shutting her head and waiting for sleep to collect her.

It came surprisingly fast.

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