Chapter 5

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Gracie's Pov

(A/N: shes home now)

marie texted me

m- hey wanna hang

g-yes! be at your'e house in 5

m- okay:)

"hey mom is it okay if i go to Maries house for a bit?" i asked walking downstairs

"yes just come here really quick i wanna talk to you"

i sat down next to her on the couch and noticed she wasn't crying. maybe i missed the water works because my mom loved my father like more than words can describe and for her to get news that he abused her daughter i think would kill her.

"you're father is no longer allowed to see you and Nolan." she sighed

i had no words

"and he is going to jail for a while, then hopefully rehab but i won't let him near you or you're brother ever again." she said starting to cry

i was speechless and i didn't know what to do so i just cried and felt her pull me in for a hug. i was feeling so many different emotions at this point. i didn't know wether to be upset, mad, sad, or happy that he woulnd't hurt me anymore. i let go of her hug and told her i was off to maries.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SKIP TO A LITTLE WHILE LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

me and anicka were sitting down on at bench in front of our old elementary school eating ice cream and i needed to tell her about my parents and about my dad.

after i told her everything she gave me possibly the biggest hug i have ever had in my life and it felt so good.

"bestfriend, you know i love you more than anything in the world and you are not alone."

similar to what daniel had said.hmm

"i can't really say i know how you feel but no matter how you feel right now there's always a special something that can cheer you up!" she said

when i'm by myself i would cheer myself up by dancing.a couple months ago i had to quit dancing because it was alot of money but i still love dancing more than life and now it seems like its the only thing that can cheer me up now, besides pizza and sitting on top of a roof.(weird, i know right.)

we went over to her house and made pizza, yay! i started to grab a piece

"not yet!" she grabbed the pizza from my hands

she led me out onto her roof since her parents weren't home because we'd be dead if they knew (lol tay swift) and once we got to the very top she next next to me but with the pizza between us.

"look at that roof, that'd be fun to climb to the top of!" she said

"nah i like that one better" i pointed to daniels house

"thats daniels house" she said smirking

"i know" i smirked back

"i've always wanted to climb his roof it looks so much fun." i said and she agreed

for a couple hours we laughed about all the little things that used to make us upset and all the dumb people that used to make fun of marie and i. We never really let that stuff bother us. we just laugh about it cause we could care less.

"we finished the pizza!!" she smiled

"yes we did!!!" i smiled back

"gracie?" she said

"yes marie?"

"i love you. i really do. you're my bestfriend and i don't know how i got so lucky and blessed to have you in my life let alone to be my bestfriend. you are the most important person in my life." she honestly said crying which made me cry tears of joy but her's looked like saddness.

"i love you too." i said, "whats wrong?" i asked

"i'm moving" she said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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