Chapter 7 - the random umbrella

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An umbrella! I swear a tear fell down down my  cheek I was so happy!

I lunged at it and then slowly opened the door. Jimmy was no where to be seen. Wow I guess they didn't think that I would try to leave. I tip toed down stairs, my heart beating out of my chest I didn't want john to pour beer on me or worse! All three men were crowded around the computer looking at porune. It's hard to belive they worked at the hospital! any way I found the door across the room. They all started looking at a you tube video and laughing. I slowly creept across the grumby wood floor. I'm going to get us some beer. uh oh then I his thoughts floated into my mind I should check on the bitch too.

I sneaked up stairs back to  my room forceed my self to lie on the bed I cryed because I knew that I could never live my life feeling safe with those three men abusing me.

I heard Jhon  come in. Could he here my heart beat?

" Bitch please" Get the fuck up!"

I sowly looked at him. 

Yeas he was dead drunk.......

 ( His mind was all mixed up)

But still scary so I got up. He threw me down stairs.

"Tell us what  you were thinking." 

Okay wel I guess I'm gonna have to lie and maybe then they maybe wouldn't belive I had the power to read minds then I'd be free!

"Luke you thought about playing compture games and then wanted to buy a talking  parrot. Aperently you also wanted a gay boyfriend. But you though it would be better to just stay here with the rest of em because they have a cool computure and free wifi and a nice place to sleep." I said trying to keep a straight face.

" She's is plotting against us, that was false." Luke complained

"I knew you were gay". commented Jimmy

" Don't lie now! What was I thinking about?". Yelled John.

"Beer and money."

" No I was thinking about other things too." argued John.

"Haha come one we know it's true." said luke.

"No way I'm smarter than that. Growled John.

The boys started fighting and I sliped out the door without a eye in my direction.

My stomach was as emty as as the sky. But hey right now that didn't stop me from running. I had no clue where I was, so I just ran down the road.


Normally I would sit  on my couch playing Assasins Creed with my good pal Louis. That's what we did for hours on the weekends. But this weekend was diffrent way diffrent.  Instead I sat on a kitchen  chair while Louis griped my shoulders shaking them and yelling in my face.

" What the hell is wrong with you man.Yo I was always jealous of you having Rena as you girlfriend and me being single and then you don't even treat her right! You cheat on her and then  you let her be taken away by a rape group and you don't go after her! Get in my truck were going after her!" Louis finnished is lecture with a glare and then we hopped in the truck.


Hands up for my amazing friend/editor who is awesome! Speaking of awsome... Keep up the reading you sexy beasts!

By the way I'm so sorry for the short chapters!!!!!!! It's just that i don't have that many readers so heres the deal:::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Once this story gets 30 reads I'll make the chapters longer Promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sneak peek alert: who will come to Rena 

And a shout out to my best friend for ever!!! ILY MEGS AND EMILY!!!!!

comment for shout outs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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