Chapter 9 - Lost

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That was the terrible sound of John's truck coming to a stop.  I  ran to Louis' car, but John's truck swerved at my hip and I hit its bumper, causing me to fall over. Luke hopped out of the truck and yelled, "We need her alive, you dumbass!" 

Louis and Jack got out of their silver Cadillac. Jack ran to me lying on the dirt road, but Jimmy stopped him first. The boys started fighting, and the guy in the black car was driving closer. I wanted to hop in the cadilac and drive away, but you see, I can't drive. YOLO!




It hurt so bad to try and get up! Pain pierced my hip and stomach, but I managed to hobble over the the cadilac and step on the gas.

Oh, maybe I should have took another second to fasten my seat belt....

Yeah, I should have.

I jerked around and I spun the steering wheel this way and that.

I took a glance in the rearview mirror ..................................

Oh my........

I didn't have time to finish my sentence, beacuse the sight of John back in the truck driving 120 towards me took my breath away.

The black car was about to pass John, but something told me the man in the black car probably just wanted me for my powers too.

I kept my foot on the gas.

Trees and houses that were flying past me looked like a blur.

Fuck, suddenly I had motion sickness and I had it bad.

No! The fuel was getting low................

I saw a huge blue house pass by it; looked like a blur of sky.


I tried to stop the car, but instead slid into a ditch I didn't see.

My head slung forward and bashed the window. It shatterd to pieces. My adrenalin pushed me to find my way out of the car with blood pouring down my face. I hobbled - jogged the closest house: a large creamy brown house looking over a lake.

I knocked. Waited.

I knocked again. Waited again.

Oh fuck, just open the damn door!

Yeah, I was delirious and I went into shock.

Fun! No the opposite of fun!

I had tried to open the door myself, but it was locked. I ding - donged the door, like, ten times.

Finally, a boy I reconized from school opened the door. 

His name was Adam and he was the school's football captain, every girl's dream date. Well, sorry Jack, but he was so good looking. Of course he didn't know me much, because I wouldn't be the girl he'd be interested in, but you never know.

I rushed inside the house before anyone noticed me.

"What the....................."

"Adam, I'll expain later. If anyone comes to the door, say that you saw a girl run into the woods."

"Okay, um, the washroom is that way," he replied with a worried look.

I raced to the washroom, trying not to think about my hip and trying to stop the blood from gushing everywhere. But then I looked behind me, and noticed a huge trail of blood.

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