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Chapter Twenty-Eight


With my hand still on Aro's shoulder I focused all my attention on Edward and the others behind him, extending my telekinesis ability outward. It passed Aro harmlessly and wrapped around Edward, protecting him, and I let it continue outward from him, like an invisible cape.

Once all the Cullen's were under wraps, pun intended, I thought up what to do next.

"I can see clearly now. You have experienced many things in your life." Aro said quietly to Edward. Apparently everything was going okay. I was too focused in shielding everyone that I forgot about my new found talent. So I tuned back in to Aro's thoughts.

I almost snatched my hand away at what I found in his dark thoughts. He wanted to kill some of the Cullen's and have Markus tear the others relationships apart, making it easier to convince them to join the guard.

I couldn't let that happen.

"Yes," Edwards voice was icy. "I, too, see clearly now." So he saw what I saw. It wasn't really difficult.

I wasn't expecting what happened next. Aro darted forward suddenly and grabbed Edwards hand in his. Their palms touched but as I listened into Edwards thoughts I knew Aro wasn't getting anything.

My shield prevented that, and he knew it. My hand left his shoulder as he spun around to face me.

"You dare go against your master?!" He roared at me.

He slapped me hard across the face and it made my hood fall back. I could feel the bruise forming already. While rubbing my cheek I pushed Aro back with all my might.

He went flying fifteen yards away, along with Felix, who I had forgotten was standing next to me.

Edward was frozen in shock as he looked at me. With no time for explanations I grabbed his hand and tugged him toward his family.

Looking back I noticed Aro brushing dirt from his black cloak and snarled at me.

"Traitor!" He bellowed.

Yell a little louder, I don't think all of Tokyo heard you. I thought to myself.

"Kill them, all but the girl! I want her alive."

Good luck with that.

Edward went into a protective crouch in front of me and I rolled my eyes at him.

Quickly I glanced at both sides of me. The Cullen's all crouched low to the ground, ready to defend themselves. I was the only one standing. Once again I extended my shield. It formed a barrier around the most important family I had ever known.

"When they charge don't react. You will only hurt yourselves. Trust me." I spoke low enough for only them to hear me.

There wasn't time for a response before the guard was bounced off my shield like idiot dogs who bounce off the newly cleaned sliding glass door. Unlike soon doors, this barrier fist break under pressure. It held firmly and wasn't coming down anytime soon.

"What idiots." I said quietly then laughed in the absolute idiocy of it. "Aro. . .you know what I can do. You can't defeat me." I cooed.

Jane was furious, glaring at me with all she was worth, which wasn't much. The glare was usually very painful but since it didn't work on me, she wouldn't even try it now.

I could feel everyone's gifts in that moment and I reached out and took Janes. Then proceed to give her a taste of her own medicine. She cried out in pain and fell to her knees, maybe she would be more careful with who she uses it on in the future.

Aro looked confused, angry, and exasperated.

Things were not going the way he wanted them to.

"Give up Aro." I suggested. Snarls were still permeating the air until Aro held up his hand to silence them.

"This is not over Cullen's. Isabella. I will be back one day, and on that day you will be defeated." He turned, his cloak whirling around his ankles, and disappeared into the trees with the rest of the guard. Except for one.

Jenna stood, uncertain on the fringe.

"Jenna." I whispered dejectedly. I didn't think of her when I switched sides.

"Why Bella?" She asked quietly while taking a few steps toward me. She didn't get far when she was pulled back into the trees by Demetri. I felt horrible. How could I forget my friend?

I felt the Cullen's looking at me. Taking a deep breath I turned to look at them in return. No body said anything until Alice, being Alice, squealed and threw her small arms around me. Embracing me in a bone crushing hug.

"Why didn't you tell me?! I thought you were dead when I couldn't see you anymore." Her speech was so fast I almost missed most of it.

I laughed.

My crazy little pixie. Then my brows pulled together.

What did she mean when she said she couldn't see me? When I left I texted her until I was turned. My phone had probably been crushed in that wreak.

"What are you talking about Alice? I don't understand. And how didn't I put this together before? You were vampires when we met. I feel stupid now." I threw my hands up and realized I still had on that stupid cloak.

I shred it right down the middle and left in the dirt where it belonged then followed Alice, as did everyone else, into the forest. I refrained from looking over at Edward, not sure what I would find. Disappointment? Anger? I didn't know.

Tow four by four trucks were nestled between two towering trees. They winked at us when someone unlocked them.

"Get in!" Alice was bouncing up and down in excitement I've never seen before.

Just before I got in I peeked at Edward, only to find him already looking at me.

Our gazes locked until Alice tugged me in the back next to her.

"What did you mean Alice?" I asked again.

"We'll I see the future. But I haven't been able to since you were in that accident so I thought you were dead. What else was I suppose to think?"

"Okay." I said simply. I would find out more about this family before I left them. Their family was already too big for another to join so I would go off on my own and travel the world. It's too bad I sparkled in the sunlight. Would've been awesome to go to Hawaii.

Alice babbled non stop as we wound through traffic, going who knew where.

This time I would sit back and let things play out. I was stupid to think I could do that.


No offense to dogs! I love dogs. So? Tell me what you think?

Yours S.A.

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