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Disclaimer; I don't any twilight characters but own mine and plot. This is the end!

Days Of Our Nights Chapter Thirty-One


Edward has become distant lately and it concerns me greatly. I could've listened in to his thought but I didn't want to violate his privacy.

And his trust.

So I left it alone and waited.

It started out with him staying out late with his brothers. Then he wouldn't come home at all until the next night. We would strike up conversation between us and he would get that bright excited light in his eyes. Then  he would look at me for a long moment and the light would dim into nothing. He closed me off. Wall himself from me.

The family noticed it but brushed it off as one of his mood swings.

I didn't.

I couldn't.

He was my mate! I just didn't know what to do. I DID know that, given enough time, he would come out and say whatever was bothering him. But why did he have to distance himself from me? Whatever the problem he was having, we could figure it out together like we were suppose to.

I would always stick by him in his time of need.

And then it happened. I didn't think past the elated emotions of Edward holding my hand. Feeling the sparks pass, like a current, through our joined hands. He lead the way and I followed him to the top of the mountain where we had danced in the moonlight not long ago.

What were we doing up here? Then, as we reached the top, I noticed a faded red back pack sitting under a tree. He probably wanted to sit, talk, and watch the stars together like we used to. Edward would tell me his problem an we would be close again.

Turns out that's not what he planed to do.

"Bella." Edwards voice was faint and monotone. No warmth to it.

"What is it Edward? What's wrong?" I tightened my grip on his hand but he pulled away. I watched as he took a few steps back.

That hurt, but only for a moment. Confusion took its place. Edward ran his hand through his bronze hair, a sign of discontent.

"Bella." He said again. I just waited. "Bella. . .I don't think. . .were good together." He choked out.

My whole body froze at his agonizing words.  I didn't move and bother did he. We stared at each other. Two unmoving statues on top of a mountain, waiting for the other to fall.

"What. Do. You. Mean?" I spoke carefully and held my body tense.

"I can't do this anymore. I should have never said you were my mate to Aro. My family and I don't want you here!" Edward screamed at me.

Rejection washed through me. And then anger followed.

"You! I had been with the guard for years! The only way I could get out was if I l found my mate! You know we're mates! What about the sparks?"

"No were not! I don't feel spark when I touch you! Your not my mate." He growled.

I growled back. He wanted me, I knew he did. "Then why did you say we were mates?"

"Because I took pity on you." He said quietly. Edwards voice grew icy and it cut see down. "I don't want you, Bella. I never wanted you. The only reason was because Esme took pity on seeing Aro slap you. And I took pity on you."

The little clearing was silent.

"But I love you." My words were so quite I could barely hear them so I wasn't sure if he did. Those words came from deep in my heart with so much loving conviction. How did he not feel the same? All those time we talked and held each other I felt loved by him.

Maybe it just died?

But I KNEW we were mates! Mates loved each other unconditionally. "Why are you doing this?" I asked in a broken whisper.

My heart was growing cold and breaking with every word he said.

"We are not meant for each other. I don't want you, Bella. Not me and not my family. They're just too nice to say it outright." His voice was hard and his eyes were unforgiving black. No love shone in them as he took in my shaking form.

He really didn't want me.

My knees gave out and I crumpled to the ground with my arms wrapped around myself. This is one of those times I wished I could cry my grief out. But no tears would come, only me choking. My heart broke right then and there. Nothing could fix or find all the pieces.

"I'm sorry." Edward said. I didn't look up. I didn't want to see him leave me behind forever.

The sun rose shortly after but I was being shaded by the trees so my skin didn't sparkle when I looked. I would never shine so brightly again.

Don't ask me how or when I came down from that mountain. I don't know. I just ran. Tried to run from the pain that wanted to engulf me. Nothing really registered with me until I threw that faded red backpack on the ground. I didn't even remember when I grabbed it.

The Atlantic Ocean stretched before me. I kicked off my shoes, intent on leaving this continent and its memories behind.

I dove into the water and didn't resurface until I reached the next continent.

And still the grief stayed. I had a feeling it would always be there. A reminder of not being wanted.

I would never be wanted.


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Yours S.A.

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