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"" is talking

' ' is thinking


In the year 2508 of the Third Age the lord and lady of Imladris where having a nice and calm evening when Elrond walked towards Celebrain who was reading.

He sat before her on his knees, took the book out of her hands and laid it on a nearby table. He looked her in the eyes and said "Melda, what do you say if we were to be having another little one?" asked Elrond.

Celebrain answered "I would love to meleth nin, shall we try now?" Celebrain was looking sweetly at her husband. From the look on Celebrain face Elrond had to laugh.

"Of course we will try now meleth nin".

Celebrain was overly happy when Elrond stood up, gave her a searing kiss and carried her toward their bed. And so the fourth child of Elrond and Celebrain was conceived.


Three months later:

Everyone was gathered in the hall of fire for the evening meal when Elrond stood up and said "I have great news to tell you, my wife is pregnant and in 7 months' time we will have a little one with us"

The whole hall started cheering for their lord and lady and whispering about how much joy this elfling would bring them. Those who sat at the table with them started congratulating them.

"What are your thought about this child, children, you have been quit all the time" asked Celebrain and Arwen started smiling

"Naneth, I hope this little one will be a girl, then I don't have to stick up with my brothers and their talking about their latest prank"

"Ah, now we are offended sister dear, you don't want to spend your time with us. Let hope that we will have a little brother to play with" said Elrohir.

"Children, no fighting at the dining table. Behave!" Elrond said.

"Yes Adar" was the answer he got from his children.

Everyone was overjoyed with this news except one elf in the back of the hall. He was grinning darkly and thought 

'Now I will have my chance to take revenge for what their sons allowed to happen to my one family. This child will not be staying long with them of that I will make certain. Now I will just have to bait my chance after the next seven months'


On the night seven months later the lady was awakened by increased pain in the abdomen. She nudged her husband who was awake in an instant. "What is it, meleth nin. Has the pain increased?" asked a sleepy Elrond.

"Yes, Meleth nin, it has increased." The lady started puffing and sweat started to appear on her forehead. Now Elrond was alert and started to remove the sheet. He checked the bedding and said

"Your water hasn't broken yet, you are still time away from" The next moment her water broke and Elrond shot up from the bed.

"Never mind what I said, we need to get you to the healing house so that everything can be readied for the birth of our little one"

Elrond carried his wife to the healing house and when they were seen by the on-duty healer ran to an empty room and when they got there, the bed was already prepared for the birth. He laid his wife down on the bed and started to check her over once more.

While the lord was checking her over, outside the room there was a small gathering of elves who wanted to see the elfling as one of the first. Among them where the twins, Elladan and Elrohir, Arwen, Glorfindel and Erestor. They all were excited for the long awaited birth.

Thirty minutes later crying was heard behind the door and everyone looked at one another. Their happiness was clear to see to everyone who looked at them.

Behind the door a healer was cleaning the tiny elfling and checking to make certain that everything was right with the child. When this was done the infant was carried toward the impatient naneth who was already e reaching towards her child.

"Congratulating my lord, my lady you have a beautiful little girl" said the healer.

The parent looked at the child and they could already see silver hair on the infants head. When the infant opened her eyes they could see clear blue eyes. A moment later the door was opened by a healer to let the waiters in.

Arwen almost ran towards her parents, the twins not far behind. Glorfindel and Erestor walked calmly into the room. At the sound the infant started crying.

"Shhhhh little one, everything is fine, that are your brothers and sister. The want to see their little sister"

"A little sister, naneth? What is her name?" asked Elladan.

"Yes ion nin, a little sister who we have decided to call Thanguriel" said Elrond.

Arwen looked at her sister "ah she is so cute, naneth. Do I see it right? She has your coloring?"

"Yes, she has" said Celebrain while looking at her daughter. Afterwards the others looked at the elfling.

"I hope the happiness shines throughout your life, little one" said Glorfindel.

"Congratulations Elrond, Celebrain. She is truly a beautiful little elfling. She will have the males chasing after her when she is older, I think" said Erestor.



Melda: Dear/beloved

Meleth nin: my love

Naneth: mother

Thanguriel: true heart daughter of/ girl

..-..-....: small changes made to this chapter


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