Meeting Father And Scouting Group Formation

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In this chapter a start will be made with explaining what has happened to Thangruriel and in the next the full explanation will be given.

For talking:

"Normal": elvish

"Italic": Japanese

'Normal': thinking




Two hours later the group arrived in the courtyard of Imladris where they all dismounted while stable hands came to take the horses away for their rest after the journey the had made. "Your debriefing will have to wait till tomorrow as we need to speak to Lord Elrond immediately. For now I want you all to rest and we will talk about the patrol in the morning" Glorfindel said as the patrol group nodded that they understood and left to their homes for their night rest.

Meanwhile Glorfindel signaled for the rest to follow him as he led them to Lord Elrond's study. On their way they encountered servants who watch with curiosity or concern at the wolf following the group. A few minutes later they came before an oaken door where Glorfindel knocked once before he waited for an answer to enter. When he got an answer he opened the door and everyone walked inside where they saw a dark haired elf sitting at a desk.


Elrond was working on a few documents when he heard a knock on his office door. Curious to see who was on the other side of the door he called the ones outside the door to enter. When the door opened he saw that Glorfindel and his sons entered with a group of five others and one blue wolf. He ached an eyebrow at the sight of a blue wolf. He saw that Elladan walked ahead with a child but because of the head he couldn't see to which race he belonged to.

"Ada, we managed to find the intruder and our little sister. This is our little sister" Elladan said with a smile on his face and Elrond felt himself shaken but had to smile at the thought of his little girl safely back home. He went to his knees and said

"Come here, iel nin. Let me look at you and finally after all these years hold you again"

Thanguriel looked at her brother with an uncertain look and when he smiled, nodded and pushed her a bit, she walked towards her father. Elrond saw this and grew concerned but it soon turned towards relief when she stood before him and he finally could embrace her. He lifted her in his arms and noticed that she stiffened to which he responded with soothing circles on her back and walked back towards his chair. When he sat down he put her on his knees.

"Iel nin, tell me what is wrong? Everything is fine, you are safe here. No one is going to harm you" he said and saw that his daughter got an uncertain expression as if she wasn't sure what he meant "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes, I understand, but I don't think anyone could actively harm me without getting hurt themselves. My 'family' always protects me and I look after them" Thanguriel said.

"What family do you mean? You know that we are your family?" Elrond asked concerned.

"Well, yes you are my family. But I consider Signum and the others also as my 'family' because they were the only family I had besides my friends" Thanguriel said as she yawned after which she blushed at doing that.

"You mean the other people that came in with you?" Elrond asked as he had to smile at his daughter.

"Yes, I mean them"

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