Coming home...

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•Nina's Pov•

I was sitting in the train, the landscape flashing by my window. It was Monday,the 3rd of December and very cold outside but I just wanted to get home. For 2 weeks I had been in New York, just playing shows and getting heartbroken as My boyfriend Nigel Cheated on my while we were in the usa. I tryed To Think of something that hurted less And looked out of the window again. After a while the train stopped and the electric voice of a woman announced that we stopped in London. It was Time for me to get out, I grabbed my backpack and guitar from the shed above me and headed to the exit. I got out of the train and took the elevator to the entrance hall of the trainstation.
I stepped out of The Building and breathed in the fresh cold winter air...just how good it felt to be home again...
then I Walked to the next busstop, got into bus and sat down,put on my headphones on and turned on music. The bus finally stopped at the busstop infront of my flat and I got out.
I went to the house I live in, searched for the keys in my backpack and unlocked the door, took the stairs up to the 5th floor, unlocked the door of my flat,stepped in and let fall my guitar and my backpack.

I was freezing, it's so cold in here I could barely breath, I walked into my bedroom and got out my warmest hoodie a jogging trousers and warm socks and put them on then I headed into the kitchen to heat some water for tea.
I snuggled up to my favourite blanket and turned on the tv. There's a love film on. I sighed and turn it off, took Out my Smartphone and tryed to call my mum.
»Hello, there's the Mail box of Sarah Nesbitt, please leave a message!«, my mums mail box announced.
I sighed and said »Hey mum,I'm home from New York now, just wanted to hear your voice.«
I ended up looking through all to photos on my phone.
Photos of me playing gigs in bars, selfies with other singers, photos of 'Honey' the dog of my mum, panoramas of the skyline in New York, me with strange hats on and of Nigel.
I tried To hold back my tears and then straight click on 'delete'-button.
Then I was searching for his number in my contacts, scrolled down and clicked on 'remove from contaks', then opened messages and deleted our chat.
After that I had to get some hanker chiefs becouse the tears were running down my face,suddenly my phone was ringing, I stopped to cry for a second and answered it. It's my friend Emma and as she heard that I was not good she said she'd come over in a few minutes.
I patiently waited for her. As the doorbell ringed I quickly rushed there and opened the door, Emma straight pulled me into a hug »Nina! I missed you so much! How was it in New York?! And why do you still think about him, Nina?! All he ever did was hurt you, don't you see that?! He was an ashole and you always thought everything was real but it wasn't and he just used You!! Get over him, he will not come back!!!«, she said to me in the other side of my shoulder.
The Tears started floating down ️My Face again...
»Shshshsh, everything is alright honey, i'm Here for ya!«, Emma whispered into My Hair.
»Thanks so much for Coming Emma! I love you so so much!«,I sobbed.
»It's alright darling, I'm always there for you!«, she said With her lovely soft voice that I love so much,«come on girl! Let's go out, you need to get over him!«
Emma stopped hugging me, kissed me on the cheek, sat me down on the sofa and stuffed my mouth with chocolate,then she went searching for some clothes to wear for me to go out.

A few minutes later she came back, holding my favourite dress in her hands. »Come, put it on, hun!«, she said grinning and got me up from the sofa, Gave my bag with my toiletarticles and pushed me into the bathroom, filled the bathtub up with water, told me to take a Bath and rushed out to get ready herself.
I sighed, threw all the used hanker chiefs into the bin and got into the warm water.
I don't know how long I sat in there just crying again, but after some time Emma shouted from the livingroom »Nina, stop Crying love! Get dressed!« I put my head under water again and washed the tears off my face.
I got out of the water dryed my blonde hair and put on the dress, it's blue with silver flowers on it and I love it Couse it fits so good to my eyes...That was What Nigel said one Night...
'Gosh,Nina! Stop crying ,get ready, don't think of what he said!', i remind myself of and hold back the tears, put some makeup and mascara on and grabbed my phone.
»I'm ready...«, i said as I was in the livingroom.
»Alright, let's go!«, Emma said ️And smiled while looking at me.
»Stop looking at me like that!«, i said smirking, gosh my day was totally mashed up with feelings today...
»What? I just think, that you look absolutely gorgeous Love! So don't cry, that would ruin your makeup!«, Emma told me laughing.
»Alright, lets go Now!«, i Said,grinned,got into my shoes and grabbed my jacket and headed out of the flat.
»Girl wait for me! At least it was my idea to go out«, Emma Shouted down to me through the staircase.
»Haha, okay alright!« I shouted back.
Half an hour later we arrived at a pub in the centre of London.
Emma took my hand and straight sat down at the bar with me.
»2 Beer please«, she told the barkeeper.
»Alright, anything Else? Chips?«, he asked.
»no thanks that's all!«, Emma said and flipped her beautiful long brunette hair on the right side of her head.
»So now Nina, how was it in New York?«, Emma asked me,«️And don't think about Nigel,️You Told me everything on the phone about the breakup, and again: don't cry that would destroy your makeup!«
»️️It was really cool, I mean I had a gig nearly every night and the crowds were amazing, I got to know a lot of new people, I loved it there!«,I answered and held back my tears as the memories of the two weeks came back into my mind,«I got to play with James bay, it was so amazing!«
»That Sounds great! I bet you had a lot of fun!«, Emma said and smiled.
»️And how was it in kroatia with James?«, i asked becouse I was really interested in what Emma and her boyfriend experienced there.
»Well,it was so amazing, James was so sweet and we had so much fun...«
️My thoughts Faded and i thought about how beautiful it must have been for Emma...
Suddenly She stopped talking and said I should turn arround and watch the singer on the little stage in the middle of the pub.
I turned arround and couldn't believe who was up there on the stage, playing such a beautiful was Ed Sheeran the guy who Emma told me about last week couse he had an radio interview at the radio station she worked at...I listened to was so beautiful how he was playing his guitar and singing with such a soft voice.
The song ended and I was still too speechless to applause...the ginger had fascinated me so hard.
»The next song Is called 'the a-team', I hope you like it«, he announced and started to play.
I felt the song prickling up through my feet and legs and it ended up leaving a soft warm sweet feeling in my belly and my chest. I felt like all the pain I had experienced the last Week would have left just to give the song the power to heal my broken heart.
I looked back to Emma who grinned and said »that's why I got you into this pub tonight! I knew he was coming and I hope he cheers you a bit up!«
»Really?!thanks so much Emma! You're the best I can't think of any better friends!«, i Said touched of how good she must knew me to know that music always helped me to feel better and leaned over to hug her.
»No problem Nina! I know that you would do the same for me and I wanted to see him too so that is pretty cool!«, Emma answered and giggled.
»Sure Love! I'll also always be there for you!«,i Told her and Started giggling too then I turned my eyes back to see him playing. All the people in here were so quiet as I never heard drunk and high people.
As 'the a team' ended I felt how my eyes started filling up with tears, becouse all the pain was gone for a minute and the song left a warm feeling inside me, all i could feel was relief and happyness.
Emma stood up and came to hug me, »it's okay love, everything is going to be alright!«, she said and held me tight as I closed my eyes to not let the tears out.
I realised that the people in here had started to talk again as I opened my eyes I saw that the ginger kid wasn't on the stage anymore, I looked around just to see where he was, but i couldn't see him. »Where is he,Emma?«,I asked Emma sobbing.
»I Think he just went to get some beer,don't you want to speak...«, Emma was interrupted by the boss of the pub who walked onto the stage and said«Uhm,that was Ed Sheeran with his songs 'let it out' and 'the a team',️thanks Ed for playing us those beautiful songs tonight! I just wanna say, If there's anyone in here that wanna play some songs too-feel free to just step on the stage and do it!«
I Turned towards the bar, ordered 2 beer and looked for The ginger.
He was sitting in The corner of The pub.

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