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•Nina's Pov•

I went to his table said »Hey, mind, if I sit down here?«
»No,just sit down!«, he answered and smiled.
»Great, wanna Have some beer?«
»️Yeah that would be awesome, thanks!«, he said and smiled even more.
»Hey, My name is Nina!«i Told him and smiled back.
»Nice To meet ya!«, he said and laughed.
»i just wanted to tell you that i was so overhelmed by your songs, i never heard anything more beautiful!«,i said and grinned.
»uhm... thanks so much! that means a lot!«, he answered and grinned.
»️No problem! So as You're more known than me, have you got any advice for me to get more like you?«
»I don't know, but just play me a song! The mic is open-you could straight go and play«, he said me and pointed to the stage.
»Okay, Alright,️but i don't have a guitar...«, i answered and stared at my feet.
»Oh Thats no problem!«,He said and handed me over his guitar.
»Thanks Ed!«
»That's alright, you're welcome Nina.«, he Said and grinned. I turned around and went onto the stage.
»Hey, I'm Nina, and Ed wanted me to play a song, so I just thought I could do one, this song is called 'Babylon', hope you like it...«, i Said into the mic and began to play.
Everything went silent around me, just like it was when Ed played. I closed my eyes and only concentrated on the melody not on the lyrics becouse it all would have reminded me of Nigel again.
As the song ended and I opened my eyes again,Ed stood right infront of the stage applausing like there would be no tomorrow.
»Gosh! Nina! That was absolutely AMAZING!«, he shouted up to me.
I grinned and walked off stage where Emma came to hug me.
»Love,You were so good and you don't even cry, Seems Like Ed makes you feel better«,She whispered in my ear and giggeled. I gave her a little hit in the side and went to Ed who waited in the corner for me.
I sat down and tryed not to smile that hard, even Ed was smiling at me like I would be the best thing on earth, couse it would just have looked idiotic.
»God,that was so good Nina! Was this a song you wrote yourself?«, he asked me and smiled so hard that I had to smile even harder even it looked idiotic now, but I didn't care suddenly.
»️️thanks so much Ed, yeah it's one of my originals...«, i answered ️And blushed.
»Wow great The lyrics are amazing!«,he Said and grinned at me.
»️️thanks so much but so are yours!«, i Said and blushed again, hopefully he couldn't see it but it was dark anyway so there could have been a possibility.
»Oh thanks!«, Ed Said and took out his smartphone as it ringed.
»Hey Mum...yeah i'll come home than... yeah mum...okay...yeah bye...love you too...bye«, he spoke into his phone obviously talking to his mother.
»i have to go home now, i'm sorry but here's my phonenumber, just call me if you're bored and we'll meet!«, he said sad and gave a little pice of paper where he just wrote his number on it.
»...oh...okay...good night!«, i stuttered not prepared for him to leave.
»️Yeah Good Night,it was nice to meet ya!«, he said and turned around, before I could say 'yeah nice to meet you too!', and left the pub.
I felt the feeling of being left like I felt it when Nigel left me climbing up to my eyes.
I stood up, held back my tears and ran towards Emma who was chatting with the barkeeper.
»Lets go home, PLEASE!«, I said and Pulled at her hand like a little child.
»Where's Ed Darling?«, she asked me and looked at me.
»he has gone, let's go, please!«, i said With Tears in my eyes.
»Bye, see ya!«, Emma said to The Barkeeper and let her carry me out of the pub on her shirtsleeve, infront of the entrance we stopped.
»What's The matter honey?«, Emma asked and looked at me skeptic.
»I'll tell you all about it later!«i answered and crossed the street, Emma patiently followed me.
As we arrived at my flat I broke down on the couch and started to cry.
»Darling, What happened love?Did he hurt You?!«, Emma asked me and sat down on the sofa aswell.
»No, but it's just all to much!«, i sobbed.
»God love!i'm so sorry for all that he did to you but please just try to get over him! That makes you fell better!«
I just cried on While Emma rubbed my back.
»and see, it isn't that bad! i mean Ed gave you his phone number, he wants you to call him!«, Emma said and tickeled me.
I had to giggle. »yeah i know but how do you know that he gave me his number?!«, i asked Emma.
»you lost it in the staircase and i picked it up-here is it, look he also wrote something down on the paper!«, Emma said excited and handed me over the piece of paper.

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