A kinda shitty day

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•Nina's Pov•

On the paper stood:
Thanks for that nice evening,call me soon! 0906 47621
I smiled and put the paper on the sidetable of the sofa. Emma's phone rang and she answered the call.
»Hey honey,Glad that you're home of your business weekend.... yeah i'm good what about you?.... that's good....yeah I'm at Ninas place at the moment.... okay.... I'll come home in a few minutes.... what about going to the movies tonight?.... Okay great see you in a few minutes....love YA more babe....bye!«
»Hey nina i should go now, James just came back from his business weekend in Dublin-he wants to go to the movies with me tonight,are you alright if I'll leave you now?«she asked me and looked really sorry.
»oh that's great, yeah just go and have a great night love.«
I walked her to the door hugged her tight went to my balkony and waved till i couldn't see her anymore. Then I walked back into the flat, drank the tea that I forgot to drink in the afternoon and snuggled myself onto the sofa again.
As I looked outside while watching 'Sherlock Holmes' on tv, I saw how lovely snowflakes came down, I smiled and had to think of Ed, I wondered if I should phone him... 'No, not now, the day after tomorrow I will', I said to myself, cuddled into the blanket and fell asleep emmedatly.
I dreamed bad that night... I was lying on the sofa when suddenly Nigel came in and pulled me up, I screamed and cried and he just said«Stop crying Nina! I still love you! Look I came back! I'm so sorry for leaving you!«
I kept crying, suddenly Emma appeared behind Nigel and whispered «don't Trust him again!!!! He hurt you! He's a liar, don't stop screaming!!!!!«
I did what Emma said...I screamed from the top of my lungs and suddenly Nigel disappeared, he was gone and I stopped screaming, I just sobbed a bit but I stopped that too when I saw that the door of my balkony opened...Ed was standing out there and he came in.»don't worry Nina, he's away and he'll not come back, trust me! Are you okay?«, He said with the softest voice I've ever heard, it was even softer than how he spoke to me this night,sat down beside me and whipped away my tears with his thumb. »Don't worry, everything is alright! I'm here!«
All I did was crying again becouse I suddenly felt so save and comfortable. Ed took me in his arms and held me tight til I stopped crying. A bit later I found myself resting my head on his chest, his arm arround my body and watching 'Shrek'.
It all felt so good, like it was real.
»Uhm... Nina?«, He asked me after a while.
»Would you like to come on tour with me?«
Before i could answer it all got interrupted of my alarm. I opened my eyes and found myself on the sofa, in the exact same position as I lied when I fell asleep. I stood up and made another cup of tea to get back to reality. But I couldn't...the dream just felt so real and I wished it would have been true and Ed would be by my side. 'Stop it, Nina! You barely know him,just becouse you find him nice doesn't mean you know him and doesn't mean that he loves you! I mean you hardly talked to him and just becouse he gave you his phone number doesn't mean that he wants you to phone him...', I thought.
Than I realised that it was already half past 7 and that work started at 8.
I quickly ran into my bedroom put on a skirt with pink flowers on it and a sweatshirt and headed into the kitchen did myself some fried eggs and toast, grapped my phone and my jacket and headed out of my flat.
I took the bus to work where I had to realise that I was to late, it was already 8:15. I sprinted up the staircase to my office, unlocked the door and had to see my one of my colleges sitting on my chair and writing on my computer. I stared at her and she stared back. »Hey Nina! Uhm...️I work Here now, you got unemployed becouse you were away for so long... I'm sorry!«, she Said and really looked sorry.
»uhm...okay, i Think i Have To speak to her, i need my work!! But thanks, good luck!« I answered And left the office.
As I came to the office of my chef-Mrs.Wilkins I ran through The door and yelled at her »How Can you unemploy me?! I need this job! I don't have enough money to pay my flat and everything! You have to get me a new job at least!! But how can you unemploy me without telling me!!«
»Hello Nina! I'm sorry, but you have to leave us!«, she answered with a calm voice and grinned.
»Okay, i'll go,️And I'll never come back!!!! And I have to say that I always hated you, you're the most boring and shitty person in on earth!!!!«, I yelled at her, went out of her office and slammed the door behind me.
I ran down the staircase and on the street, I was so angry that I had to calm down first so I went into a little caffe' and ordered some tea and cookies.
I logged into the wifi there and checked my social media messages. As I opened Twitter there were many messages popping up. I scrolled down when suddenly a message popped me into the eye...
Wanna go on Tour With me?
I nearly dropped my phone.
God he really asked me if I wanted to go on tour with him?!
After this dream? Should my dream come true?!
I couldn't face my happiness.
I phoned Emma.
»Hey Nina! Whats it?«, Emma answered the call.
»uhm...Ed just envited me to his tour!!!«, i Said mentally screaming.
»God! That's amazing Love! Have ️You replied yet?«, She asked me sounding really happy for me.
»️No i don't! I don't even called or messaged him...«, i answered.
»Girl! Message him! This Is a massive deal!«, Emma Told me.
»️Yeah i know but...«
»...You're afraid!«, Emma Finished my sentence.
»Yes...«, i Said.
»I mean it's your life ️but i ️️️would respond if I were you Nina!«,Emma Told me, »️You will do The right thing anyway! But I have to hang up now couse I'm going to town with James! I'm sorry love!«
»Uhm...okay...Bye Emma! Have Fun!«, i Said and we both Hang up.
I spent a few minutes just smiling at my phone and everyone who may watched me would have thought that I would be completely crazy smiling at my phone like a idiot...
Then I finally went home, mailed all pubs in London to get a gig that night, that was At Least Payed.
I didn't get a place so i grabbed my guitar and went to the hide park to play a few songs there.
»Shit happens Nina and you can't do anything against it-Nigel will not come back and you'll not get a job so you have to look on the things that you've got... You've got a guitar and Eds Tour you can go to-up from this point you will learn how to get enough money through playing guitar, it may be a Hard way up there but you'll reach your goal finally!«, i reminded myself of and moved on with a smile.
It was freezing cold but I sat down on one of the benches and started to play 'Babylon'. After 5 Minutes there were like 20 people listening to me and there was much money in my guitar case. There were also a few fans of me standing there and I went for a drink with them later. It was really nice with them and I was so happy at the end of the day that when I came home,lied down on my bed I fell asleep emmedatly...

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