The Meeting

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•Nina's Pov•

As i Walked into the pub, Ed was already sitting at the bar. He was wearing jeans and a nice looking blue sweater.
I walked to The bar and sat down beside him. »Hey Ed!«,i Greeted him.
»Hey Nina! How are ya tonight?«, He asked me, smiling.
»I'm good, What about you?«, i answered and smiled back.
»Well, i'm really good! wanna Drink something?«, he asked me and grinned.
»Yeah that Would be nice, I'll Drink The same as You!«, i said and smiled.
»Alright!«, he said and ordered two beer.
»So what do you wanna do tonight? wanna stay here and just hang out or wanna do something different?«, he asked me softly.
»I'm alright with staying here, what about you?«, i answered.
»yeah, i'm fine with here too!«, he answered and grinned.
»well thats good!«,i said and grinned back.
»so what did you do yesterday?«, he asked me.
»Well I got unemployed and then I played a gig in the Hide park...«,i answered,«what about you?«
»Oh i'm sorry about that! Well I was in town for a couple reasons, first of all I had to get some food and then i met my cousin Murray,And in the meantime between shopping and Meeting Murray I met your friend on the street, She was really nice and gave me your number so I could send you a message to meet tonight.«, He answered and smiled.
»️You don't have to be! It was my fault, I was in New York for too long and so they just gave my job to one of my colleges...So I decided, that whatever happens next, I will try to only earn my money through playing gigs.
And yeah Emma told me about that in the morning« i told Ed and grinned.
»Oh thats shit but I bet that you can earn enough money to afford everything one day, Nina! You're really good just keep working hard then one day you will get it all back!«,Ed told me and grinned back.
»oh yeah, I'll do that! Are you already a bit famous?«, i asked him and blushed.
»well... Not really but I hope one day I'll be...«, he answered and smiled.
»I bet you will! You're the best guitar player and singer-songwriter that I know!«, i Said to him and blushed again, I hoped he wouldn't see it, but it was dark again anyway so I didn't worry about it.
»thanks so much Nina, but you're the best singer songwriter that I know too!«
»️️️️️️thanks,but I don't think so...«
»I Think so and I've seen a lot of singers in my life. Take the compliment! I took mine too!«, he Said to me and grinned.
»Okay...«, i answered and Started to giggle and Ed giggled with me.
Then he asked me »what about having some Food then? You look hungry!«I really were so i answered giggling »How do You know that?! Yeah i would love to have some food!«
»Well i just thought you might be hungry aswell becouse I am!«, he Said laughing.
»Alright, so lets go!«, i Told him laughing too.
I grapped my coat from behind me, Ed payed the beer, only his becouse i didn't even drink something of it, and we left the bar and stepped out in the freezing cold december night.
Then I realised that Ed only wore his hoodie.
»aren't you cold Ed?«, i asked him and Started shaking.
»No, i'm actually not, What about You? You look like you would turn into an ice block in a few minutes!«, he answered and giggled.
»Yeah, i'm really cold so please let's go!«, i Said and emedatly felt warmer as I listened to his sweet giggle. 'stop that Nina! You barely know him!!', I thought to myself.
»Alright, what about hamburgers and chips?«, he asked me.
»Yeah great! But Lets go now!«, I said and pulled him over the street into the next Mc Donald's.
We both ordered Hamburgers and fries and sat down on one of the tables.
»I Like people who love fast food as much as I do.«, Ed Told me ️And giggled.
»Yeah me Too.«, i answered and Started giggling too.
»wait i know a good joke... How do you call an elephant that doesn't mean anything?«, he asked me and started laughing.
»... I don't know Ed!«
»An Irrelephant«, he answered his own Question and started to laugh so hard that I had to laugh too even I didn't find it so funny.
We just sat there laughing for more than 15 minutes, til we both didn't know anymore why we're laughing. It was just so good to laugh again. That was really something I didn't do for a long time and it made me feel so free and good, to see Ed sitting there on the other side of the table just laughing so hard that he already had tears in his eyes and feeling the laughing break out of me too... Ed just made me feel so good I needed that so much, he just made my little broken heart beeing fixed again.
Ed and I stopped laughing and just giggled for a few more minutes before we were just sitting there trying to get the breath again becouse we just laughed too much. All the other people sitting in there were staring at us weirdly but I didn't care at all.
»God, i Didn't laugh that good ️for a long Time!«, Ed finally Said and started to giggle again.
»Yeah me too!«, i Told him and smiled,«️You make me feel so good Ed! I didn't felt like that for a long time!«
»️that's The same I feel like! You make me feel like a happy little shit«, he Said and began to laugh again.
I Laughed »yeah, wanna Have some tea? We could go to my place and have some!«, i Asked him, still smiling.
»️Yeah that would be good! and it's to cold for you to walk through hyde park anyway.«, he answered and grinned.
We Finished our food and left the fast food store, then we walked down the River in the moonlight and took the bus to my flat.
I unlocked the door and let Ed in behind me.
I hoped that he would find my flat Alright and he'd stay longer cause I felt like I couldn't stand it if he'd leave sooner than I hoped he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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