Chapter 17

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Els pov

I can't believe I did that. I killed a man. A man who probably has a family a wife a child. A mom and dad. A brother or sister. All this guilt I can feel it in my bones. Im a monster. This immortal life isn't worth it. I refuse to let this be my life.

I walk through the woods looking at all this nature. I used to be Able to control this. Now I'm the exact opposite.

"I don't want this life" I said. I was about to walk back to the house when I came across a patch of sunlight and burned my hand. Was it morning already? I looked past the forest and saw light everywhere. Crap. I wanted to call Damon but i didn't have my phone. I he's ok.

I then heard a crack behind me.

"Hello?" I said looking behind me. There was a wolf. I started shaking and backing up. I hit the sunlight again.


"Love what are you doing in the woods?" I turned and saw klaus.

"Klaus. You scared me. I'm just hangin" I said coolly.

"Is that why you said ow when you touched the sunlight?" He asked

"I don't have a day light ring." I said.

"Well why didn't you get one." He asked walking towards me.

" I was going to but I was feeding last night and I.. I killed a man." I said tearing up again.

"Oh darling, every vampire kills at least once in there life. I remember my-" he was interrupted by his phone.


"Hey it's Damon have you seen El she bolted last night and I ant find her." I shook my head

"You've lost her good job Damon. And no I haven't seen her."

"She doesn't have a daylight ring and she might burn to death. She might be dead! And Silas is gonna kill me. She's sired to me Klaus!" He looks at me wide eyed and I nod.

"Ok well I'll let you know if I find her." He said hanging up quickly.

"You have a problem love." He said smirking.

"Is Damon ok?" I asked.

"He's worried about you. And Silas is worried." He said. Silas I have feelings for him. But I also have something for Damon.

"Can you take me back to my house I need to grab a few things." I said.

"It's still daylight."

"I can run." I said and klaus grabbed me and we sped there. Once we got inside the door I fell over moaning in pain.

"Why does this hurt so bad." I ask teeth clenched.

"We don't like sun light remember?" He said drinking.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I ask sitting at my dining room table.

"Sure unless you realize your in love with me." He said smiling trying to lighten the mood.

"Darn you took the words out my mouth." I said laughing.

"But really I need to ask. When your sired to someone do you develop feelings for them?" I ask

"Well you will feel something for him. When your sired you want to make them happy do every thing for them. It's like you have faith in them and trust them. Though I've never been aired so I couldn't really tell you what it feels like. But when I sired Tyler he told be he didn't like being 'my bitch' so" he said. 

"I feel that but I still feel for Silas. And I am so confused. I only did what Damon wanted me to do but I just don't know. I don't want to hurt Silas but I don't want to disappoint Damon." I said rubbing my head. We Stay here for a while until I hear a knock on the door. I get up to open it. I look through the peep hole and its Damon. I quickly open it.


"El, where were you I was so worried." He said

"I'm so sorry I didn't want upset  you but I just needed time to myself." I said.

"It's ok. We need to talk."

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