Judge Me when you are Perfect

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i smile at Jack ass the lunch bell rang telling us that lunch was over making me get up and kiss Jack before walking to class, before quickly getting swung into the bathroom seeing Rykker and Shizuko standing with their arms crossed.
"whats going on with you?" Rykker snickered looking at me with her puppy eyes, i shrugged as Shizuko said "We're worried about you, jack was crying last night thinking you were gonna break up with him."
i shrugged again as they looked down.
"look... mom and dad are just on my ass again about chores and straight A's its getting frustrating since that big Chem test is coming up plus the math test next week." i looked at both of them, hoping they will believe me. i mean half of it is true. they both hugged me smiling as Rykker "so on Friday night we have a party at the cabin, jack's coming and i think you should come as well." i nodded as i think of how i should ask my parents. the late bell rang and we scrambled to our classes.

-------------------------------------------------- At Home-----------------------------------------
i sat at home doing my homework as i hear my phone ringing seeing it is Jack
Jack- hey babe, you wanna come over?
Me- Sure one sec..
i hang up going downstairs asking my mom if i can go see Jack, she said have fun.
i leave the house seeing jack waiting on the sidewalk, i run over hugging him tightly. "hey something wrong?" he questioned, i shook my head.
it was starting to be chilly here as he wore his football jacket i stood with him against him as he held me. "don't let go.." i whisper and he picks me up carrying me to his house.
i layed on his comfy bed as we watched tv, shortly after i fell asleep in his arms, being woken up by his mom "hey SweetHeart, how'd you sleep?" she asked and i nodded  my head whispering a "good" as i sat up looking for Jack seeing him walking through the hall seeing me up, he smiled. i realized that my dad will kill me if i stay any longer and i jumped up going to the front door, jack meeting me at the door.
"babe, i talked to your dad, he said it's fine to stay here tonight" i nodded my head as i rested my head on his stomach as i was tired. "come on, we got some of your clothes from last time you stayed you can wear them tomorrow for school, let's get you a shower." i nodded again as i walked to the bathroom getting in; undressing and turning the water on. getting in, i hear the door opening again hearing "hey who is this Lexi?" i dropped the bottle of shampoo quickly taking my phone away from him deleting the message before he could read it. "nothing" putting it on the counter shooing him away. he left and i sat on the shower floor, tearing up. cleaning myself.
i turned the shower off getting out putting jack's shirt on and my shorts walking out going to the kitchen getting a drink of water.
*ding ding ding*
i look at my phone seeing another message.
LexiSwag- hehe you out of school? i miss you ^^
a picture attached, making me drop my phone in shock as i saw her nipple.
LexiSwag- send me a pic babe
me- n-no
LexiSwag- oh come on, you should come over, you know me ^^
me- no i don't know you, who are you?
LexiSwag- remember me?
with a picture attached showing her...

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