The Darkness Is Rising

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Night's POV

Oh no, oh no....huh? It's you!! You've gotta help me!! It's me, Night!! The Darkness is back and it's pissed! Elora isn't responding to us anymore, and I don't know what to do... Orion and Blue are trying to fight it off, Crescent is patching up Glade because he broke his arm trying to punch the Darkness in the face, and Killi is crying like a bitch. I'm at a loss....wait....what's that? What the fu-

3rd person POV

Through the large black cloud known as the Darkness came a small bone being thrown as a boomerang. Every eye was locked on it as it shot through the cloud and spun through the air before being caught by a Cubone, standing in front of a hole in the cloud. He put his bone down and shouted up at the sky. 

"Elora!! I know you're in here! Listen to me when I say this, this stupid Darkness can't do a damn thing to you!"

Everything was silent except for the wind blowing harshly across the ground. The Cubone glared up at the sky at the center of the Darkness, swirling ominously overhead. 

"Elora I know you're hurting, but I care about you. And so do lots of other people, in here and outside. You're not alone. Please understand that."

Every eye in that world was focused on him. No one moved. No one breathed.

The Cubone growled and started shouting again, his fists clenched in determination. 

"Elora, I KNOW you can hear me!! I know what happened hurt you, but you've gotta listen to me! I'm here for you, and I'm not gonna let you just give up!"

The only noises were the wind and the Cubone's ragged breath.

Suddenly, a weak voice came from the center of the cloud. 


"Yes, its me. I'm here to help you. I know you've been through a lot. Out of everyone I know, you've probably been through the most."


"I hate that you're going through this... I really do... you need a damn break, and I'm gonna fucking get you one."

"And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

"I'll find a way, trust me."


"Listen Elora. You're gonna be okay. I know for a fact that you can get through this. You've gone though so much that I know you're able to get through this."


"I promise you'll get through this, and I'll be here to help you."

Silence fell over the land as Elora said nothing in reply. Suddenly the winds that had been sweeping the land changed direction and began flowing towards the center of the cloud. A tiny blue light appeared in the center of the cloud, slowly increasing in size. The edges of the cloud were becoming silver, and even starting to disintegrate. The light was rapidly growing larger, causing the Darkness to shrink back into the sides, which ended up being disintegrated by the silver. It ran from both sides but got caught in the middle, exploding in a teal colored ring. 

".....Thank you....."

"You're welcome, Elora. And thank you."

With that he picked up his bone and calmly walked out through the hole he had created in the small piece of Darkness that was still there. As soon as he walked through it, it disappeared, just like the rest of it. 


This was dedicated to one of my best friends, Alex. Thank you so much for everything. I love you bro

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