Chapter 4

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A/N: Comment and tell me if you like this chapter!

Thats Kyle >>>>

After the plane landed in Los Angeles, all of us gathered our baggage and walked toward the car parking garage. Before exiting the airport, two huge men wearing black came up to us.

“How’s the scene outside?” Dan, the bodyguard, asked them. I realised that the men were wearing the same clothes as Dan.

“Pretty bad. On a scale of one to ten, I would say nine,” one of the two men said. As he said that, I could see all the band members, except Kyle who looked happy, groaning, while Brendan was typing on his Blackberry.

“What are they talking about?” I asked Tess.

“The crowd outside. People who have come to “greet” Shades Of Gray,” she explained, making air quotes.

“Oh, it must be fun. Being famous,” I told Tyler, who was standing next to me.

“Are you kidding? We all hate it. Well, all of us except Kyle. He loves being famous. It’s easy for him to pick up chicks,” Tyler replied.

“Hey! I don’t like being famous only because of the chicks. I have other reasons too!” Kyle told Tyler.

“Like?” Tyler asked.

“Umm.... Okay. That’s the only reason.” Kyle said with a sheepish grin.

“So Kat, if I’m right, you’ll be with us on our tour for four months?” He asked.

“Yup, I will be following you around for four months on the orders of my annoying boss.”

“You must be really excited.”

“Au contraire, I didn’t want to come. Larry forced me. I would’ve lost my job otherwise.” As I said that, Kyle’s eyebrows shot up.

“You’re very interesting you know. Not like the other journalists who usually follow us. I like you. And I want to know you better. I’m going to take you out to dinner tonight.” This guy was really smooth. He knew exactly what to say. He totally matched up to his reputation of a womanizer.

“We have our show in two days guys. Let’s get going,” Ryan called out to us.

All of us walked to the entrance and I saw what the guards were talking about. The crowd was massive. Many people were wearing Shades Of Gray t-shirts, some girls had coloured their hair like Kyra and some were holding big posters of the band. I saw a group of girls holding up a poster with Kyle’s picture and another group wearing t-shirts saying “I love Ryan Watson.” As we were going to step out into the fresh air, all the band members pasted smiles on their faces. We walked out and the screams were deafening. A bus, with Shades Of Gray printed on its side, was waiting for us outside. There were many more men in black holding back the crowd. We manoeuvred our way through and reached the bus.

As all the band members were entering the bus, they turned around and blew flying kisses at all the fans. I sat in the back and there was a place empty next to me. Tyler came and sat in that place.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hey, so you have to face this every day?” I asked, pointing at the crowd through the window.

“Yup, it’s not as fun as people think, you know.”

“Hmm... Are you guys going to practice today? Because I have to be there and note down everything that happens. Ugh! I hate my boss with a passion,” I said. Tyler started laughing. I looked out of the window and saw Brendan walking through the crowd in a direction away from the bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2011 ⏰

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