Chapter Twelve - Sendra

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Ethan's fingers tapped lightly against the steering wheel to a beat I hadn't heard before. His lips mouthed words I couldn't quite make out, and aside from these few things the cab of the truck was absolutely quiet.

I looked at him for a few moments longer before turning away to gaze out the window once more.

We had stopped ten minutes ago at an old shack, nestled deep in the woods. And for the life of me I couldn't understand why. Though I thought I'd been pretty far into the book, I was proven wrong. The person they were visiting was someone they'd met before, or at least that is what Ethan had said when I had asked. 

Ranger had gone in on his own, paying no mind to the fact that the entire building looked ready to fall apart if a strong gust of wind were to hit it. By firm demand Ethan had stayed with me, and I had been relocated to the front seat for both comfort and the fact that Ethan could reach me physically should anything happen.

Knowing this only served to make me more nervous about the situation.

"You're bouncing your leg... doesn't that hurt?" 

I looked up to meet Ethan's gaze. His eyes were focused on me, a pointed look to his features I couldn't quite place in the moment.


"Your leg. You're moving the cab." This time, his voice held just the slightest hint of a laugh, which was poorly hidden behind a small smile. 

Immediately my leg stopped moving - and thankfully it wasn't the one with the brace. That would hurt. And it already hurt enough as it was, what with the original injury, and seeming to repeatedly fall on it was not aiding the already stunted healing process. 

I muttered out a small apology, glancing toward the shack once more.

"Who is even in there?" I didn't expect my question to be answered of course. I was finding it harder to learn things while inside the book than when I was reading it in a loud cafeteria. Yet to my surprise, Ethan hesitated, seeming to debate answering my question.

"This is... a place for bargains." He began, eyebrows drawing together. "We come here when we need things. Usually things your normal grocery outlet wouldn't be able to get."

I leaned back in the seat, pulling my gaze away from him and back toward the shack. It didn't look too impressive. In fact it barely looked large enough to fit a mid-sized car on the best of days. 

"So... why all of the precautions?" 

"This person isn't exactly stable. For everything you get from her, she gets to ask a favor. Doesn't matter when. She'll show up at your doorstep years later if it works for her..." From the tone of his voice and the heavy frown I could tell he had personal experience with this woman. 

Though now I was bursting with questions, I decided to accept what he had told me and leave it at that.

"Darn, so you're sure you're not here to see little ol' me?"  

He remained as stoic as ever, offering only the slight roll of his eyes. 

"I'm here to see you. Obviously. I need something. Something for protection." He was starting to grow irritated, if his voice was anything to go by on its own. For the last eight and a half minutes (and oh yes, he had been counting alright) they had been standing in the tiny single room structure exchanging witty banter. 

And she still wanted to drag it out.

"Sendra... " His voice came out as a warning before he turned around, catching a glimpse of familiar tanned skin as the woman in question hopped away on the balls of her feet, dancing around the tiny pit of embers in the center of the room. A bright, almost airy smile played on her lips. Though he knew she was everything but bright and airy.

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