Chapter 9

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The words that came out of Zayn's mouth flew at high speeds and hit me like 10 bullets. Of course I knew I couldn't stay here long, but it was just a shock. How could anyone call the house I live in a home? My Father is abusive, my mother couldn't care less about me and the only person I loved has been ripped out my life so quickly and easily.

In the short time I have known these five boys, they have been nicer to me more than my father has ever been. Without them I would feel a bit lost. How could I go back to normal life, back to Manchester where half the population are murders.

But Zayn was right, how ever bad it was, it was time for me to go home.

Thinking about my so called 'family' brought memories back that I was hiding away, too shell shocked to think about. I rolled over away from Zayn and stared at the curtain.

“Delilah?” I heard Zayn ask from behind me

“huh?” I replied half heartedly

“What's the matter?” he asked his voice full of concern. I felt the bed tip and I could sense his body close to mine.

I decided I was being silly, I should be more than grateful for these boys letting me live with them for the amount of time they already have. But this is their home.

“Nothing” I replied rolling over to him, he was much closer than I expected, I found his eyes and smiled at him,

“aw, I'm going to miss you guys” I said happily, it was the truth.

I was lost in my daydream that I nearly didn't hear what Zayn said,

“What are you talking about, where are you going?” Zayn suddenly asked with a frown now rapidly replacing his smile

He searched my eyes for answers while I did the exact same to him. What was he on about, he just said I was going home tomorrow?

“Er, when I go home?” I said in a 'duh' voice,

“We'll only be waiting out- OHHH!” Zayn suddenly shouted his eyes widening at the same time. Suddenly his eyes landed on me and his whole face showed seriousness

“Delilah, I meant take you home to get your stuff, to get everything, you thought I meant take you home for good! Delilah, what kind of people would we be if we let you go home to a house like that”

He looked away and scratched the back of his head,

“I know it's not very practical, but we thought if you agreed to it, you could live here with us, I mean you are 18 soon. You could start out fresh, considering what's happened with er your sister and everything”

I didn't mean to look so idiotic, but I really didn't understand what Zayn was insinuating, I stared at him dumb fondly, His words suddenly sunk in, did he mean...?

“If your going to live with us you can't keep borrowing our stuff, you thief.” He joked, looking back at me

My eyes widened and my mouth formed a small 'o'. I couldn't help my actions, my arms threw awkwardly around his neck seeing as though we were laying down, I squeezed him and whispered “thank-you” into his ear.

I realized I was still hugging Zayn ridiculously tightly. He chuckled but hugged me back tight. We stayed like that for a few seconds before we pulled away, Zayn laid on his back but I rolled onto my side facing him with my hands tucked under my head.

Right now, I didn't really care about anything. The only person I truly cared about has gone, and although it sounds depressing, I don't really have anything to live for. Why shouldn't I live here? Who would care if I moved away from Manchester? At least here I could start my own life sooner, ready for when I hit 18

Staring at an unfamiliar ceiling (1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now