Chapter 10

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“Dude, chill out” Zayn shouted to Louis with wide eyes

“Chill out?” Louis questioned; “Oh I'm very sorry for not being 'chill' when it sounds like Dee is being murdered!” he spoke sarcastically

Zayn chuckled and was about to come back at Louis but was cut off by Liam storming into the room,

“Okay, who's brilliant idea is it to be screaming and slamming doors at nearly 3 in the morning” Liam sneered with sarcasm dripping off his tired voice

No one in the room dared answer him, apart from a voice who I instantly recognized echoing down the dark hallway,

“Uh oh, who's upset Mr grumpy” Harry finished just as he appeared in the doorway

I chuckled to myself as I met Harry's eyes.

“Harry, why are you still up?” Zayn asked, I suddenly realized Harry was holding a wii remote in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other, clearly suggesting he had been doing everything but sleeping.

“Couldn't sleep, and by the sounds of it you two couldn't either” he suggested winking at me and Zayn who were both sat in the bed with the quilt tangled around our bodies.

I couldn't help the blush that quickly invaded my face, I ducked my head to hopefully hide it. However, I couldn't help but see the kick Louis gave to Harry on his shin.

“Son of a bitch” Harry scowled at Louis, who was now grinning like a child at Harry's pain.

“When you two children are quite finished” Liam started, “I would maybe like to get some sleep tonight, we've got a long journey to Manchester tomorrow if you REMEMBER”

“Sorry Mum” Harry daringly replied to Liam with a smirk

There was no chance of me holding back the laugh that erupted out my mouth and caused Zayn and Louis to laugh along as well.

“Is Niall okay? I know he's a deep sleeper but that scream was pretty loud” Harry joked changing the subject, I cringed at the thought of everyone hearing my scream. I'm such an idiot sometimes.

Liam huffed, “I give up, see you all in the morning” he grunted and slouched back into the darkness of the hallway,

“oops” I said, scared we had annoyed Liam beyond belief,

“Don't worry about him” Zayn chuckled, “he's not a morning person”

“I'm going to check on Niall” Harry mumbled with yet again another smirk, I shook my head and smiled. Once he left the room we fell into a slightly awkward silence, with me and Zayn sat on the bed and Louis still stood in the doorway. I had no clue where to look, so I decided playing with the hem of the quilt would be the best idea.

“So why did Dee scream” I heard Louis ask Zayn. I could hear his gentle footsteps come into the room,

“because she did” Zayn shrugged from beside me,

I cringed inside at Zayn's attitude towards Louis, I hated people arguing.

“There must have been a reason” Louis fired back

“Not really” Zayn daringly said, not giving up.

“Zayn...” Louis said quickly and harshly, making me jump. Louis got closer to the bed, and seeing as though Zayn was clearly not letting his guard down, I decided to intervene.

“Stop!” Louis and Zayn broke their glares at each other to look at me.

“Louis, Zayn scared me, that was all!”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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