Chapter 3

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Zayn’s Point of view


“I know Paul, but it’s not our fault she’s only just woken up, we did tell you we were going to make sure she was okay”


“I’m not sure, wait there a sec”

“Oi”, Harry spoke up, as if we weren’t paying attention, but in fact we had all been staring at him intently trying to hear what Paul was saying. He quickly noticed we were all staring at him so carried on,

“Paul wants to know what are we going to do now, because apparently word might have got out we’re here”

We all looked at each other to see who was going to speak up but Liam decided to,

“well she’s okay isn’t she” he asked

“We can’t just leave her” I said

“Why not, we don’t even know her. Paul said he will give her some stuff as a sorry so we don’t need to stick around anymore” he argued back

I was about to answer back but Louis took my place,

“Liam, haven’t you noticed… she doesn’t even know who we are, so she’s clearly not a fan”

Harry was getting very impatient obviously aware that an even more impatient Paul was waiting on the other end of the phone line,

“That’s what makes It worse. She wasn’t even at that bookstore for us, all she was doing was looking for a book, and got swamped by those girls” I replied

Harry had enough and blurted out,

“Look, why don’t we just take her home, then that’ll be it.”

He said raising his eyebrows. We all knew that this was the final decision so not one of us objected when he brought the phone back to his ear to tell Paul the plan.

“This is a right muddle isn’t it” Niall spoke for the first time laughing.

We all burst out laughing at the oddity of the situation we were in.

Delilah’s Point of View

I lay staring at the ceiling wondering if the boys had gone. They have been ages and I really need to get home now. I decided that if two more bleeps pass on that irritating machine next to me, then I will go.






Well then, I thought, slowly getting up. I was fully clothed and I obviously didn’t need to be here anymore, with just a plaster on my head which luckily was covered with my fringe, I was ready to go. I looked around to make sure nothing was left and headed for the door. I made me way down the long corridor being slightly wary, as I didn’t know if I was supposed to sign out or something. The last thing I want now is an angry nurse on my back. I finally found a sign stating the exit was just down this short corridor, I was slightly annoyed that those guys had just left me. I thought they seemed quite nice, they could have at least told me their names or had the decency to say goodbye.

I arrived at the large doors that would be my freedom from this daunting place. I grabbed the metal handle and walked straight into someone.

“Oops, sorry” the curly haired apologized, but when he saw my face replied,

 “Oh, it’s you”

He didn’t sound too pleased when saying that and it pissed me off a bit

Staring at an unfamiliar ceiling (1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now