Chapter 2

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(im fucked up guys)

Michelle's P.O.V

"Suckers i get the top bunk" I yelled doing a little victory dance, which I always do when I get what i want.So I barely do it.........anyways time to do some netflix and chill with my taco cause its my bffl jk who even says that

"You know theres two bunk beds right?" Andy states the obvious"well that other top bunk is mine" Rose yells as she runs over the top bunk that is across from mine."WE CAN MOURN OVER FICTIONAL DEATHS!!!" "FUCK YEAH" Rose yells back. suddenly we both get sad "like horse face" rose says making a pouty face, wiping a fake tear."so sad" i say fake crying.

The both of us are fake crying and andy and alex both roll their eyes but that ends when Alex and andy both look at each other and run to the bunk under rose ."guys theres another bunk under me" i say as i point under me "but you snore at night, and sometimes sleep walk." andy says getting distracted so alex takes of pushing her off the bed."VICTORY IS MINE!!" Alex yells raising her fist but as she does that she hits her hand with the top bunk, "ouch!!" is all i hear "wow andy you completely forgot about the bunk"samy says before putting her stuff on the bed that has no top bunk. "whhhaaaaaattttt" andy says as she looks at samy and the bed " but whyyyyyy" andy says as she goes to the bed under me and collapses on it not without hitting her head with my bunk"owwwww" is all i hear before the beds move.

"Alright guys get your stuff" Samy says as she has already gotten her stuff before us."samy get them for me plzzzzzzz" Rose begs "sure" samy says as she goes out the cabin were staying at. ugh samy is always so nice to rose. "wait samy what about me??" i ask " what about you? get your own stuff" she shoots "but but but but but ughhhhhh" whyyyyyyy i'll just go to my corner and grow mushrooms.

Rose's P.O.V

yayyy samy is so nice . i turn to look at michelle and shes in the corner of the cabin sulking. poor girl "so what now?" i ask bored out of my mind "well while your here with your lazy ass we are gonna go get our stuff" alex says pointing to her,andy, and michelle" whatever you're just peanut butter and jelly" i tell them going outside for some fresh air


the girls are all next to me watching the sunset together

"well what a day" andy says turning to us " yeah it was" i tell her " not to you you lazy ass, you just stayed in the cabin and just went outside once" " well im here now" hmm i wonder what it'll be like to kiss tamaki-senpai lucky haruhi she's so lucky but i prefer hikaru idk i like him he's like me... loving to play pranks and not caring but also i hate when people steal my friends, its like 'bitch please da faq you know about her' but you know i keep my thoughts to my-

i was caught off  when a familiar voice rang in my ears

"well ,well, well, if it isn't the girls themselves"




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