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I was up all night, I barely slept a wink. Oh I’m soo excited. We’re gonna meet the boys in their hotel rooms. They’re staying at the four season’s hotel near the Sydney Harbor. They’re sending a cab out to pick me, Nour and Monica. Mum’s not coming because she has to babysit Daniel. And Dad has work. So it’s just us! Wooooh! I need to look good. No great! First of all, I brushed my teeth and had a quick shower. 

I walk towards the window parallel by bed, and push it open. A strong breeze fills my bedroom. The weather is sunny and warm with a strong breeze. I might need to bring a coat, maybe even some extra clothes if I get cold; Probs should warn Nour and Boo too. The shower was just what I needed to calm me down. I got into my robe, brushed my long hair and put it up for the time being and put it quickly into a bun. I know it’s only 7am and we were meeting up with the boys at 9am but I’m way too excited. I decided to check in on Loo, see if she’s up yet. I tiptoe into her room, which is luckily the room across mine, hoping not to wake mum, dad or Daniel. I slowly open the door but it’s empty! Her bed still messily untouched, her bunny slippers thrown about 2 meters away from each other on the creamy carpet flooring, and lastly, Tina, Loo’s cat, is still fast asleep and purring in the far corner in her little Victoria’s Secret cat bed. But I do notice her bathroom door is closed and a dim light seeping from under it, I listen intently and hear the shower is on. I guess she also needed a shower. I quickly scramble out of her bedroom, un-interrupting Tina from her sound sleep and re-enter my bedroom. I’ll check back on Nour later. I guess I’ll just get started on my Makeover-Mission. So, I layout all the garments and tools I’ll need for the makeover and get started! I check my phone for the time, and then plug it into its charger; the time reads 7:45am. Perfect, still an hour and a bit. Firstly I get dressed into my new blue and black satin dress, and adjust it to my perfect fitting. It looks really nice! I then apply my candy-cotton flavored lip gloss. Use my eye-lash curler and brush my hair properly. I left it out and straightened it. I smiled when I looked in the mirror. I check my phone again but now I have a message…

*1 new message from Monica-Boo* I open the message.

Morning angel! X Happy super duper close birthday gorgeous! Cab is coming at 9! Like in 20 mins. You and Loo ready? Coz I AM. I’m on my way to your place, be there in 5! 15 minutes of private fangirling! Wooh! Xx Is this really happening? Pinch me! Love yaa xx -Boo

I smile at the message, then reply… 

Morning BOO! Why thank you lovely! X Oh cool! Never been more ready in my life ;) Coolio. I dunno.. Haha okay, if you say so! Love yew too! Xx -J 

PS: Bring extra clothes! ;) 

Then suddenly remember I’m forgetting Nour! I run into Loo’s room, she’s applying her violet berry lip gloss, with care on her vanity. This appears to be the finishing touch to her look. She has light mascara on, Curled her hair and left it out, and looking absolutely stunning in that taupe beige dress of hers that she’s paired with matching flats. She sees me appear in the mirror and smiles without moving. After finishing applying her lip gloss she turns around and faces me. “You look amazing Jen, always do” she says “Me? Y’sure? YOU are the one that looks stunning.” “Thank you, and yes, I don’t get it, Your super gorgeous,” she continues “But you never seem to notice, love yourself, It deserves to be loved.” I’m kinda in shock right now.. She is my older sister, she has to tell me this stuff.. Right? I think of what to say… But don’t respond. In the end she just smiles at me and says “So you talk to Monica yet?” “Yeah,” I reply “She’s on her way right now, in fact she should be here any min-“ I’m interrupted by the doorbell. “And that would be her.” I add grinning. I run downstairs, and leap to open the door. There I find Monica standing in her blue polka dotted top tucked into a cute black lace skirt that she’s paired with black flats, her hair curled from the bottom, dark pomegranate lip stain and brown eyeliner, I can sense the strong scent of her Coco Chanel No. 99. She too looks amazing. I greet her with a massive hug. We both enter, then suddenly start squealing “AHHH, please tell me this is really happening” I squeal, “Well it’s happening BABAAY!” She squeals back. I hear footsteps on the squeaky staircase and see Loo descending down them. Monica gives Nour a hug and we all give each other random compliments. I excuse myself and run up to quickly get my big Gucci handbag, with my iPhone, and a black coat. And go back downstairs. I find Monica and Nour in the kitchen sneaking some breakfast, Nour’s making some chocolate cereal and Boo’s eating cornflakes “Ugh! How dare you begin breakfast without me? That’s like against the law or something!” “Oh just chillax, we JUST started. Grab something and join us” Monica says. I’m opening the fridge when I hear a car beeping outside. I stare at Monica and Nour. Nour drops the milk she’s pouring onto the counter and slowly makes her way towards the door Monica and I, follow behind. I grab my coat and bag and walk to the front yard. Outside we find a white and blue cab parked on the curb. When all three of us are standing on the grass, a built man walks out of the passenger’s seat. I know him. “YEEEP! PAUL HIGGINS!” I squeal, I quickly cover my mouth with my hands when I realize what I have just done. He laughs in that deep tone of his “Yup that’s me,” He smiles “Now which one of you lovely ladies is the birthday girl?” I quickly raise my hand, “That would be me!” I grin “And this is my sister Nour, and my Best Friend Monica” We all shake hands. “Okay well, would you like to get going?” We all grin. “Is that a trick question?” Monica giggles and I join in. Paul gestures us into the cab and we’re on our way. The trip was really quick. Me Nour and Monica took tons of pic’s in the cab (We’re girls, Don’t judge us :P) and uploaded them to instagram, I even got a couple pic’s with Paul. He is genuinely so sweet, nice and funny. No wonder the boys like him so much! We arrived at the hotel pretty quickly. There were crowds of girls outside the hotel. Like OMG. Paul wanted us to go the back way, even though no one knew us, he didn’t want to risk us getting hurt or trampled, plus fans would easily recognize him.  Aww such a sweetie. We enter the back door and walk into the lobby. Nour, Monica and I halt. It’s beautiful. A glass chandelier hanging over the dimly lit room that warmly consists of a large mahogany counter on the very left that is being run by a brunette lady at the cashier and buzzing guests. Paul gestures us to the large metallic elevator and pushes the number 4. We’re all led into the elevator and in no time, we’ve reached the forth floor. “Now the boys are staying in room 413, which is just down the hall” Paul informs us. “Oh and I’ve got to warn you before you enter, these boys are full of surprises.” This little note confuses me but I don’t take much note into it. Paul takes a card out of his back pocket and swipes it over the sensor in the door handle. The light goes green, and he slowly opens the door. I walk into the dimly lit room, with both Nour and Monica’s hands gripped in mine. Then 5 figures quickly emerged from their hiding places.

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