Chapter 5 Trapped?

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I’m pacing around the room when there’s a knock on the door. I’ve already gotten dressed into my extra clothes. Thank goodness I brought those along! I’m dressed in dark wash shorts, a light baby pink crochet and lace tank top along with a chunky silver neck lined necklace paired with nude colored flats.

 Right now Monica’s taking a nap, luckily me ad Nour told her to get dressed before she dozed off. She’s dressed in a crochet yellow translucent top –with a black tank top underneath, high waist, light was shorts, and tan color ankle boots.

And for Nour, well she’s in the shower, probably finishing off about now. “Heyyooo” I hear her yelling from across the room. Just in time, she walks out in a towel rapped around her and her hair. “Don’t ya think we should wake up Boo about now? I’m nearly ready.” She says “Okay, you get changed quick coz I’m starved!” After finally waking her up and Nour getting into her coral red and white striped crop top matched with black skinnies , white and coral striped flats and Ray-Ban sunnies.

We finally leave the hotel room and knock on the boys’ door. Harry answers it. His face lights up when he sees us. “Hey! I guess the party’s arrived! You guys look great..” He says smiling at us, but I can’t help but notice how he keeps looking at Monica. It’s cute as! ;) We enter the room and notice Zayn and Niall are gone, aw. :((  But Louis and Liam are here so that’s cool!  “Where’s Niall and Zayn?” I asked casually, “Oh they went down to go get some food from Nando’s about 15 minutes ago”

“Ooh, okay” I smiled, but I was kinda disappointed, I was really excited about seeing Niall.. (: After about 5minutes of talking about the tour with Liam and Louis Niall and Zayn arrived back in one piece, which I was kinda surprised about myself, with a big take out bag of Nando’s! Now I’m excited, “WHO WANTS TO PLAY TRUTH OR DARE” Screams Harry, My hand shoots up like a rocket, along with everyone else’s except Liam’s. We all just look at him, “Alright, but no irresponsible or dangerous dares, OR truths that can emotionally or mentally detain a person.” Nour and I just burst our laughing; we always used to joke about how careful and strict Liam was because he was the daddy directioner, now he’s just proven us right, but in a good way! We all gather around a table and sit on the floor around it, get our food and start eating! Wow I’m really hungry. “I wanna ask first!” yells Monica and looks in Zayn’s direction, “Zayn, truth or dare?” “DARE!” he screams “Okay, okay, How bout you rap us something Bradford booiii!” She said grinning, “Well what do you want me to rap?” He asks, Monica then looks at me and Nour and winks, I know what she’s thinking, suddenly all of us get up start dancing around and singing “IN WEST PHILADELPHIA BORN AND RAISED ON THE PLAYGROUND WHERE I SPENT MOST OF MY DAYS…” Zayn laughs and gets up to join us. We finish the entire rap but.. HAHAH, we look so stupid but it’s so much fun, the boys still sitting on the floor are laughing at our amazing performance with Zayn! Haha! “Okay! My turn to ask someone!” Louis says, “How bout you Jenny.. Truth or Dare?” He says. Ughh, why me? I suck at this game, Oh well, YOLO right? :P “I’ll take a truth, less risk of embarrassing myself” I giggle, “Umm, oh okay, who’s your biggest celebrity crush?” “Umm, ALL YOU GUYS” I say smiling; the guys giggle “Na’aa! You have to choose one!” Yells Harry, I can’t I think to myself, Only Nour knows Niall is like my all time crush, Not even Boo knows, she just knows that it ain’t Harry or Louis.. I look at Niall, he staring back at me with those eyes of his, smiling at me. I stop coz I don’t wanna make it obvious, “Nooo, ya’ll are all equally amazing to me!” I squeal, I look over to Niall and his face isn’t lighting up the way it was when I was looking at him, did he want me to say his name? Nah, he couldn’t of… “Oh alright” says Louis, “MY TURN,” Nour yells, “Niall, truth or dare?” “I’ll take a truth…” he replies. “Okay, about your princess, what do you imagine her to be like?” Nour asks, this question means everything to me, I’ve always wanted to be Niall Horan’s princess, but who am I kidding? “Umm, well…” he begins “She has to like me, for me, not for my fame, I want her to think she’s not beautiful, so I can remind her everyday…” He looks at me and I begin to blush, as I remember the moment we had in the room a while back when he told me I was beautiful. “She has to LOVE food,” well that’s something I know we have in common, considering the way I just attacked that piece of chicken on my plate… ;) “And well, she has to be, kind, fun to be around and care for my fans and music just as much as me…” he finishes off. “Awwww!” I say “That’s soo cute” I squeal, and the guys chuckle, Niall starts to blush. Haha aww! This kid is so cute! “Okay my tur-“ Harry begins but he’s interrupted by Paul who’s running into the room as fast as possible, “Kids, we have a problem!” He says out of breathe, “What’s wrong Paul?” asks Liam looking worried, “YEAH, You just interrupted my turn in Truth or Dare!” “Sorry Harry, but… well, more fans found out where your staying and the crowds have gotten bigger, way bigger, but to make things worse they know the girls are linked to you boys somehow.” “So if they try to leave, they’ll be either attacked, or trampled…” Niall finishes off his sentence. “Okay no big deal,” Zayn begins… “We’ll sneak them out the back way when the crowds calm down, they can’t stay here forever. “No they can’t stay forever, but they can stay the night… most of them have brought tents.” “So… truth and dare is over?” Oh Harry.

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