Chapter 11: Better Than i Expected

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*ding dong* “I’ll get it!” I shout over to the silence and then realize I’m talking to myself again… honestly what’s harry doing all that time getting ready? I mean pffttshh yahh, his hair needs to be perf to the perf and what-not but honestly… I DON’T EVEN TAKE THIS LONG TO GET READY...  I  get my butt off the white sofa I was lounging on, and get up to answer the door. In enters this totally cute bell boy <3. <3 –dark brown hair, green eyes, well toned face –holy cow, I think im drooling..okay, with a tray of our breakfast. GOSH IT SMELLS GOOOOD. The bellboy hottie looks at me and smiles, he says “heres your breakfast” I smile and thank him..then I turn to him and he’s looking around the room…what? OHH…”oh haha, no I’m not alone, didn’t think Id eat all this by myself now did ya?” the cutie chuckles as I hear Harry finally leave his cave and walk into the sunlight for once.. “Im Zachary, but you can call me Zach” he winks as he extends an arm for me to shake. “hehe, hey Zac. I’m Monica, but my friends call me boo – don’t ask why, its sort of just “the name” they gave me” I grin and shake his extended hand while he laughs once again. “I’d prefer to call you angel” he winks ;;) “how’d you know that’s my…..oh wait” I say and then I a lot. AND THEN WHAT HAPPENDS? BOOM. Harry barges in extends his arm to Zac, pushing me out of the way being all bossy and like “HEY, IM HARRY.” Giving Zac that haha Im gonna kill you face. I MEAN HONESTLY WHAT THE HELL. -..- Who does he think he is? He’s gonna scare the hottie awayyyyy: ( Boooo. Zac looks at me in a sorta nervous yet pretending to be fine way and is like “hehe your boyfriends a keeper..” “He is not my boyfriend.” I say sternly, then Harry looks at me all puppy eyed and stuff then walks away to the table waiting for his food and to be fed like a 5 year old. Wow harry. Just wow. Zach leaves with a cute smile on his face, and I close the door behind him then lean on it, cross-armed and stare in a disappointment, at harry who is stuffing his face with waffles. He looks at me, then says “whaaat?” in that oh so cute yet annoying british accent of his. “What was thattttt?” I say whining the way he just whined at me “what was what” he asks innocently “THAT. That that just happened right here, right now.” I say air gesturing the door with big air circles. Harry smiles and then looks down at his plate, still mouth full of half masticated waffle goo. “I didn’t like him, that’s all.” He says. “uhhuh.” I say. I sit down and just give up on the whole ‘thing’ because im starved to pieces and im not really in the mood to go into a guys brain and figure out what on earth just went down.

I sigh as I finish swallowing my last piece of my waffle and turn to harry who’s spraying whipped cream from the can right into his mouth. “HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING THAT?” I yell at him, then he stops and looks at me in disbelief then “……WITHOUT ME!” I finish off giggling then he starts laughing. I get up and open my mouth and I gesture for harry to spray the can into my mouth. Nomnomnom, I lovveee whipped cream. Then suddenly while harry is spraying the cream into my mouth he changes the direction and sprays onto my shirt! OH NO HE DID NOT. I scream and squeal and chase him with the pillow I found nearest to me. “HAARRYYYY” I whine! “I HAVE NOTHING TO CHANGE INTOOO! And we cant go to the mall like this!” I say reasonably. “How abou’ you take something from wha’ I have” he suggests. What? “you mean I wear something from YOUR clothes?” I question “yeah.” He answers. As stupid as that sounds and stuffs, he does have a point, its either wear something from his clothes, or just don’t go out. And im desperate to go shopping.. “alright” I blurt out blankly. “But the minute we reach the car, we’re going off to my house to get something else to wear, okay?” “okay.” He smiles. He’s so cute *blush* He turns from the whipped cream mess and enters his secret chamber ‘aka his bedroom’ and comes out 5minutes later with one of his most popular shirts that he’s ‘known’ for and hands it to me. I go into the bathroom and take off mah yellow croche’ top that I’ve been wearing since last night and change into harry’s shirt. But something smells weird… I grab the edge of the shirt and pull it close to my nose and inhale, its smells of his cologne..OMG<3 I die a little weenie tiinie okay a lot a bit inside<3 Kay I know im weird but I like guys cologne, and especially harry styles’ cologne. I walk out and he whistles, hahah “uhh your probably whistling for my new taste in fashion obviously hahah” I walk in that awkward model catwalk way and strut so poshly ahaha then harry says in a French accent “you look gaawjus baaybaay strut for mehh” ahahahahahah,no, that didn’t just happen, hahah I crack up at the terrible accent coz I mean honestly what on earth? He takes my hand and twirls me as I finish off the fancy pancy catwalk strut and I classically just being myself trip on a rug and fall flat on my face. Oh how attractive.;;) He laughs and just looks at me, I look up at him and say “you know you can help me up instead of watching me like a gentleman would.” “and who said I was a gentleman?” he laughs “Oh really now?” “Hahah im just kidding angel!” I say, he bends down and helps me up

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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