August 6,2015 Dear Dairy: Teens Life

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Konnichiwa minna~san! Sorry I haven't update yet. But really nothing's been happening other then catching up on my work. Well here's one thing...

Me: *Hears joyful cries in the middle of the day* 

*It continues as I get I walk my dog to the park*

Me: *Stops to see and finds a bunch of teens partying hard*

Me: *Wonders* When will I ever get to do that?

You see I'm young and dumb. Also trying to get used to the real world still. Its dangerous but somewhat wonderful to just get out and walk. 

Me: *Suddenly a storm of questions thundered into my mind* What's it  like being a real teen? What is it like and how does it feel? Is it true some teens are hectic and/or crazy? 

"What a teen is huh?" A voice annoying saids

Me: *turns around* Ken! I haven't seen you in weeks. *Surprise on how my voice sounds so happy*

Ken: Yeah. Been busy and Ya know what I mean. *Sits down on a near by bench then shuts his eyes*

Me: *I bent down to pat Ken's dog Sharlet (she's a really red dog)* So how have you been? 

Ken: Tried and mainly great, as you can see. 

Me: I meant that to be answered by Sharlet *looking at him*

Ken: *Looks back at me and glares* Really? Oh okay then. *He lays back down doing what he was doing before*

Me: Fine. I guess I was talking to you. Seriously you haven't changed at all. 

Ken: Well I can't say the same about you. You've changed quite a bit. *Coughs*

Me: Really? How so?

Ken: You have to find out your-

Me: *Cuts him off* Your no usual.

Ken: *Doesn't listen* How's your guy anyway?

Me: *Lightly blushes as I stare into his eyes*

Ken: is he? Or you don't have one yet?

Me: *Looks away pissed* Why would I anyway? *Payback* How's your girl?

Ken: I'm only 13 Sharh. I don't need one yet... *Looks pissed*

Me: But you wished it happened right?

Ken: *Blushes* Whatever...*gets up and walks toward the park*

Me: *Walks behind him with my dog Milky Way (Who surprisingly looks like the Milky Way itself)*

Mia: Hey you two *pants* wait...Ahh...up! 

*We both stop and watch Mia get closer to us*

Mia: Okay *catches her breath quickly* Ken it's been a long time hasn't it? Sharh you missed my phone calls gurl. *Smiles*

Me: *Sighs* Again I'm the youngest.

*Ken and Mia laughs for a moment and then I laugh with them*

Ken: Oh yeah...umm Mia..*blushes*

Mia: Hmm *shes quietly saids as all three of us continues to walk*

Ken: Sharh...can you give us a moment to...ourselves *The "ourselves barely got out of his mouth*

Me: No probs. *I walk away to sit on the bench where a boy was talking to a girl beside him* Come on Milky. 

~~~5 minutes later~~~

Me: They still haven't stop chatting yet *I whisper as I listen carefully to the couple beside me who just seems to be having a fight*

Boy: But why? You kissed that guy while you have my lips you can kiss!

Girl: Not my fault you have been busy lately. He was just comforting me and it got to the moment where we kissed.

Me: *Butted in* But it wouldn't be right if you kissed a guy and your already taken.

Boy: See!? *He points madly at me* Even she agrees with me.

Me: I wasn't agreeing with anything I was just saying it wasn't right.

Girl: *Shoved her face into his* Ha-ha-ha. 

Me: But I'm serious you shouldn't kiss another guy when you already know you have one. Even if you get caught "in that moment" still that isn't right.

Boy: Told Ya!

Girl: *Lost of words* W-whatever....*Gets up and walks away then stops and looks back* We are done for! *Turns around and walks away til she was out of sight*

~~~Sits there in silence~~~

Me: I'm sorry *I finally say*

Boy: It isn't your fault *Saids in a sad tone*

To be continued...

My fingers are going to fall out soon hahahaha. Please wait for part 2 of this chapter! 

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