September 14 Dear Dairies: Please...not lov-

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Konnichiwa minna~san!!! I forgot to tell you some stuff that's been happening at school lately. I love my home room teacher. Seriously!? I am!!!

Anyways this is what happened...

My friend Tea explained something then somehow looked at the corner of her eye then back at the teacher. You have no clue what the teacher said next. He said "Tea I know Jose (a guy in class who was about right to where she glanced when she looked at the corner of her eye) is handsome" he continues "But you don't need to keep looking back at him" our teacher joked. I didn't see what Jose's reaction was because Tea's reaction was worth the joke. Hahaha I still remember it like it was only this morning.

Then this happened to me...

I was also explaining something when he said "Sharh I can read your mind". I spoke my mind and said to him since he got wrong what he thought I thought "It just proves you can't read me mind" I grined. He stared at me for some moments while the laughs of the class faded. "What? Don't think that Sharh. Ken's a great guy". Oh was I fuming. "I wasn't-" but got cut off from the laughter of the class. "So what were you thinking about me Sharh" a voice that belongs to Ken asked. I turned to face him who was only sitting three desks away from me. I hope I was looking right cause I thought he was smiling. What? I just glanced at him and then turned to face the teacher "Whatever Ken" I said but I guess he didn't hear from the roaring of laughter coming from the class. Although I actually hoped Ken smiled...Wahhh....what am I thinking...? Although I wish he noticed me sometimes...I glanced at him...and then back. I'm glad he can't read my mind. But WHAT AM I THINKING I thought to myself...Please not lov-. I could put finish that thought since I needed to consecrate on my studies first.

So that's all that's fun to read! Thx for stopin by! Hahahaha. ^^

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