Nishio meets someone from the past/ Roku talks about his past

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Hey hey guys hehe, I really don't have anything to say on this but I do want to say that I'm really shock on how many people has seen this story so far! I am really happy hehe and makes me want to do more ^_^ so lets get this story started!
Starts out with Nishio

Walking for hours really does make you tired, I laughed thinking I could handle this on my own but I was wrong "Wonder how far I have to travel" I looked up to the night sky thinking it's a little passed midnight "Fathers scent is still so fresh after so many certain days have went by" mother has never figured it out but, when something in our house usually goes rotten I could smell it for days even after we have thrown it out. Mother and father would always ask me what I was smelling because they never smelt it, I would just shrug and think its my imagination but this time its not. "I hope Ayumi wont be to mad...." I shivered thinking what she'll do to me after I come back home.

Continue walking, I ended out of the forest and into a large field of herbs, vegetables, fruit "What in the world.." I sniffed around "Mother and Father have been here.." I continued walking when I saw a little house up ahead "Wonder what they were doing here" smelling the different aromas in this place I could tell these were different medicines, I couldn't enjoy because I froze where I stood "Who goes there?" a gruff yet shy voice said, I turned around slowly seeing a big hunched over demon his bright blue eyes looking down at me, he had so many scars up and down his arms, around his legs too. "I-I didn't come to harm you, or steal-" "Inuyasha?" the demon asked, I stared wide eye up at him "N-No"

The demon didn't hear me say no, instead he looked around seeing no one other than me "Where is Kagome" he asked "I am not Inuyasha, he's my father" I said calmly not trying to lose my patience, the demon turned his head back at me with those big blue eyes of his "His son?" he questioned "Y-Yes, my name is Nishio the youngest child" his face softened "I am Jinenji" that name, I've heard it once before when mother was telling me about the good people she met on her journey "The guy who the village mistook for as a man eating demon?" I asked, he nodded slowly. I smiled "Mother has told me about you" I couldn't tell but I do believe he was smiling "Please, Jinenji could you tell me where Mother and Father went?" he pointed to the east "They went that way" he said slowly "Thank you Jinenji!" I said, once again I couldn't tell but he was smiling "Please I forgot to give her these" he hand me 10 seeds "For mother?" I questioned, he nodded.

"Thanks again, I'll make sure to give these to her when I see her" I said putting them in my yukata pocket, he waved at me as I started to run east. "Where did they go?" I said running faster.

Ayumi P.O.V

Since it was dark, everyone was tired, we made a little campsite to rest for the night. Roku who was currently trying to make a fire, Kuhime and Suhime found a river not to far away, they wanted to wash up because they felt sweaty "You know, you're pretty good at making fires" I said to Roku, he smiled now proud of his fire "Well when you are alone all your life you kind of learn" he said sitting next to me "That's new" I suggested, he looked at me confused "What is?" "Well, you never bring up your past, or even mention anything when you were young" I said "Oh...." he mumbled leaning back on the tree "It's.....It's not a good past" he smiled sadly.

My curious mind wanted to know more "Can you tell me?" he sighed "Where can I start.." I just sat there staring at the fire, its cinders going off into different directions disappearing into the dark sky "My mother, she has the same eyes I do, but hers was filled with so much love it looked like that's all you could see in those eyes" he paused "My father, he was a worker but soon died a few years maybe 4 years after I was born I believed it was a sickness, mother who was well known in the village for getting rid of demons, people naturally clung to her" he smiled slightly probably remembering "Even after my father passed the love she had in those eyes never left, never lost sight on where she was going never once darkened from the sadness she held in her heart" he then frowned "Then came him" he looked mad "At the time he gave us a name that was fake but soon learned his true name was Naraku" I shivered hearing that name, he's even done so much damage from when Roku was just a boy "He told us that a demon was currently taking over his house hold, killing off his servants, his loyal people and soon was gonna go after his father" his hands turned into fist "But those red eyes told me something different, mother who didn't believe in lies had followed Naraku the next morning leaving me at home, I tried stopping her saying don't believe in that guy that he was a liar and he looked like a bad man" he shook his head "But she wanted to help him, that one last hug is what I got from her till the next morning I found my mother-" I covered his mouth with my hands stopping him to speak any further "Don't say what you saw..." I whispered "Please"

I uncovered his mouth then he continued "few days after, I ran away from that village hearing rumors that Naraku was truly a demon in disguise" he sighed "Since then I would travel village to village earning my keep to have shelter, eat, and sleep, I would train to become a better fighter, and I would practice on actual small worthless demons" he smiled down at me "By the time I realized it, I was 21 and had gotten into a pretty rough fight with a demon then..." I looked into his eyes "That's when I met you, under that tree seeing your worried face upon the wounds I had, I thought you were actually pretty cute then I saw those dog ears and automatically thought you were a demon, telling you to go away, I regret ever saying something like that to you, especially since you wanted to-" I stopped him by kissing him gently for a few minutes till I couldn't hold my breath any longer, then I pulled away smiling.

"I thought you were a complete ass when I met you, but hey we are even but now I understand why you hated me at first, Naraku was a horrible half demon but Father, Mother" "Our father and mother too" Kuhime spoke up grinning, I giggled "Shippo And uncle as well, killed Naraku, he is no more and all those families who had suffered from him for so many years were avenged especially your caring mother" I said hugging him, he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, they were shaking so much from his story "Thank you, Ayumi" I caressed his hair for awhile trying to make him calm down and soon his arms had stop shaking, Su and Ku were near the fire talking about different types of potato chips mother brings home sometimes, wonderful candies and strange drinks. "Are you ok?" I whispered, he simply nodded, I don't regret that I wanted to know a little more information on him but I do regret that it made him this upset and I was the cause of it. Soon though, Roku had fallen asleep in my arms, his breathing slow and content, I smiled knowing that he had the courage to tell me his past life.

I always wanted to bring up Roku's past but never knew how to do it until now!!!!!! Where do you think Kagome and Inuyasha are going with Miroku and Sango wanna see if you can guess hehe I have it all planned out to!! anddddd congrats on InuKagFan4Ever who guess right on what Nishio was doing/going/ looking for hahaha!!! See you laters!

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