Few Weeks

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Nishio P.O.V

A few weeks has gone by since Ayumi had yelled at me and learned the truth about what was going on with her. So far everything has been going good, the demons that would come by for Ayumi would die in a min from father killing them. Roku has kept a close watch on her as well, which is making her feel very irritated with him but one glare from mother and she sits back down on her butt and doesn't speak.

We did mistake one demon one time thinking that he was coming after her, he was a wolf demon and we thought that he wanted to kill but instead of that, mother spoke to us saying they knew him. His name was Koga and leader of the wolf tribe, he met father and mother long time ago while they were on the search of the sacred jewel shards, also working together to look for and defeat Naraku but wasn't there when it actually happened.

He had spent a few nights with us saying he didn't want to go back home to his wife, so him and father were getting into a lot of fights while he was here and mother had to tell him sit I think over a hundred times I'm assuming.

When he left, he wish Ayumi luck with her baby since he has two of his own, and also wish Roku luck because Ayumi was mad at him at the time. Currently, Ayumi was sitting in a tree with myself on a higher branch and Roku at the bottom resting "Ayumi why do you like tree so much?" 'crunch'  the sound of a chip being eaten, mother had got her a bag when she went to visit grandmother "Well, I don't feel squished like I am inside the house, I can smell the forest and the river it's.....relaxing" Roku snored lightly "Hearing him snore is a plus!" she said sarcastically "Are you sure its safe being up here with your belly being like that?" she giggle a little, wow haven't heard that in awhile "Yes Nishio, its ok I'm not that high up anyways" I nodded "You're right though it is relaxing".

Smiling and looking into the sky it's funny how even pregnancy wont stop her from climbing trees "It's a beautiful day isn't it?" I heard Ayumi yawn "Yea, it sure is" I looked down towards her seeing that her eyes were closed and her breathing getting steady, I smiled "You're truly relax when were are out here" I jumped down landing in front of Roku, he opened his eyes quickly and alert, then relaxed when he saw me "Don't do that to me man, thought a demon was here" I sat down in front of him "Roku, how is that you looked like you were dead asleep but woke when you felt my presence?" he yawned "What do you mean?" he looked at me with those white eyes of his, and to tell you the truth I've never seen anyone with those eyes.

"Also with the sneaking around, you could always hide your smell from us and knowing father he has a good nose plus myself, so how do you do that? Those eyes are strange too, and how is it that when you fight alone the demon is dead before father and I can even-" "Nishio, Nishio slow down" he looked at me with a stern look "I know you're curious about me, but I rather not get into that subject, you don't want to know what I have done, and you don't want to know why so please just leave it" he looked down at his hands "I don't want Ayumi to know such things either" I nodded "Alright Roku, but you don't do that anymore right?" he shook his head looking back at me "I haven't since I've met Ayumi, let's just say that's why I disappeared".

I stood "Then that's all I care about, I'm going to go see if mother is done with dinner" I walked away knowing his stare was on my back.

"Nishio!" I heard a voice call my name, looking behind me I saw Shippo falling towards me, my eyes widen "U-U-Unc-" that's all I could say before I could finish my sentence, uncle Shippo had crashed into me with both of us falling to the ground "Shippo!!" I snapped "Sorry Nishio, ow really am" he got off me and I sat "What the heck?!" I asked rubbing my sore head "Well, I was flying and then noticed you! So I going over to and when I wasn't noticing I transformed back falling at you!" I shook my head "You dorky fox" he laughed "Sorry, where ya goin?" he asked "To mother and fathers to see if dinner is done, mind getting Ayumi and Roku for me?" he nodded "Sure thing!" he ran off where I just came from "Such a silly fox"

~Back at the House~

"So you then fell on top of him?" mother asked "Yea, I was to late to-" father just punched his "Ouch! What the hell Inuyasha!" father then put Shippo in a head lock "This is for tryin to hurt my son you bone head!" father yelled at him, Shippo pushed him away "It's not like I meant it!" "Inuyasha sit!!" mother yelled.

Yup this is like your normal day at our home, yelling, taking food, saying sit, Ayumi laughing.....Ayumi laughing!!! My eyes bugged out of my head she was truly laughing, my sister was laughing with all her heart! I smiled at her seeing that beautiful smile my sister has only wore once probably every year "Hey Nishio, you staring, is everything ok?" she asked, I shook my head "Sorry sorry, just happy is all" she giggled "Well ok weirdo" she leaned on Roku's shoulder still looking at me with her bright smile "Just wish I can see that on you everyday...." I whispered silently.

Soon Ayumi is going to have her baby, and soon I'll be an uncle and hope that Ayumi will have the time of her life, and I will always be there for my sister when she needs it the most, but I have to face the fact that Roku will slowly, slowly take over my place.

Ok guys, next Chap is going to be the last :) no more chapters plus I can focus on my new story I'm doing wit Nalu, Gale and other fairy tail ships, and also the one I am doing with my best friend but look forward to the last chapter! See you again!!! love you

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