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And now a new chapter has begun dededede hehe have fun my little pineapples
Nishio P.O.V

It's been a few hours since I left Jineji's house, or perhaps I should say daytime now. Sitting by a river for a little break really helped calm my muscles which were aching badly and it was annoying, felt like I'm running a marathon. After one last drink from the river, I stood but froze when I heard a growl from afar, it didn't sound like it was in the tree's either. Looking around to see no animal in sight, nor hearing any footsteps, I started to walk still being cautious. Hearing another roar this time it sounded a lot closer and somewhat familiar. Jumping into a tree climbing to the top branch by branch, I looked into the clear sky seeing a big kitty with its paw and tails on fire. My eyes widen when I saw who the rider was to "K-Kohaku?" blinking to make sure I wasn't going insane, but it was really Kohaku, Aunt Sango's brother.

"Kohaku! Kirara!" I screamed into the open air, Kirara turned her head back to look at me so did Kohaku, he smiled pointing what seemed like an open grass area, I nodded jumping out of the tree running to the grassy area. Kohaku landed Kirara then taking her little kitten form, amazes me how every time she can be so small then turn into a big furious cat! "So do I owe the honors of running into you Nishio?" Kohaku asked grinning, I ran towards him excited to finally see him again, I've only seen him three times in my life and I already feel like he's a close friend.

"I should be asking that!" I grinned "What are you doing way out here? I know you travel and all but I didn't expect to run into you" Kohaku is much taller than I am, very lean to, he always carries this big weapon with a chain on the bottom, always curious on how he doesn't fall off Kirara with that thing, he where's this green and yellow outfit all the time, I believe Aunt Sango has the same thing but her's is pink. "Well" he started, I had to look up at him "I don't really know, but Miroku and Sister said I had to meet them at a temple, so on my way over there right now since I was close by anyways" he finished looking down at me, I smiled "May I come with you? I have to see mother and father soon it's important, plus how did you get the message?" He chuckled "Myoga" I rolled my eyes "That irritating flee?" when I said that, I felt a slight sting coming off my neck, so I smacked it seeing what it was "Wow, speak of the annoyance" I huffed.

He popped into into his original body "Sorry Nishio, your blood is just as tasty as your fathers" he said in his little voice "I am not annoying either, I am helpful" Kohaku started to laugh "Oh yea, sure when you left every time danger was near, real helpful" Myoga crossed his four arms "Inuyasha thought so" I rolled my eyes "Sure he did" Kohaku grinned "Nah, he doesn't leave danger that much anymore.....Unless if its not aiming towards him" he chuckled "So you still do it anyways, Typical flee" Kohaku started to walk back to Kirara "Let's go Nishio, I have to be there by night fall" following after Kohaku I had to ask "Why did they leave so suddenly?" I asked, he scratched his cheek "Well, Myoga had informed me that Mushin, the guy who took care of Miroku since he was a child, his anniversary of his death is today so Sango thought it would be nice for me to join them" I nodded remembering the stories Miroku had told me, that he was a drunk, lecher, and pretty much slept all day, but he also loved Mushin very much.

Hopping onto Kirara with Kohaku all three well... three in a half of us took off to Mushin's temple.
"When master Mushin died, Miroku was really heartbroken, it was hard for Sango to get him back up and happy again" Myoga said, I nodded thinking about it, remembering what Miroku's change after he heard about his death.

Ayumi P.O.V

Going into a large area filled with plenty of plants and by the smell of things, medicinal herbs too. "strange....." Roku said, I looked over to him questionably "About what?" I heard Kuhime's staff jingle and some shuffling coming from Su. "I've been here before..." Roku mumbled walking forward.

Looking over to Su and Ku who pulled out there weapons, I raised my eyebrows curious if they sense demons around here, following after Roku who was currently going to a small, worn down house.

"Roku! Wait up" I said catching up to him "What do you mean you've been here before?" I asked but he didn't answer me, instead we got closer to the house seeing the wood starting to break down and split, the roof has a few holes here and there, the door that's not really even a door but looks like a bomb had exploded right there.

"Who's there?" We heard a deep gruff but gentle voice say inside, Ku and Su who had there weapons ready, I gestured for them to stand down trying to look deeper into the dimly lit room.

Roku spoke "Je-Jineji?" Roku questioned "Is that you?" Blue flashed in the room before answering "Ro....Ku?" Roku smiled "Jineji it is you!" He said going into the house, I looked back at the twins with a funny confusing face thinking how Roku met this person, the twin girls shrugged.

"Ayumi come in here" I obliged going inside the small house, seeing a large demon I panicked "R-R-Roku!" I screamed, he hugged me whispering in my ear "Calm down, he is a half demon, very kind one at that" I relaxed a little more "Kagome....." The demon said "My mother?" I asked, he nodded "You look like her, Nishio looks like Inuyasha...." He said ever so quietly "Y-You've seen my brother?!" I asked a little to loudly, he nodded. Sighing in relief but tensed up again "Wh-When?! How long?! Was he ok?! Where can I-" Roku squeezed me tighter making me stop.

Jineji looked scared, I frowned knowing I frightened him "I'm sorry Jineji, I'm just worried for my brother, he left without saying anything to me so I'm scared he is hurt" I finished, Jineji relaxed slightly "I saw him....not to long ago" I sighed "Was he ok?" He nodded slowly again.

I smiled knowing my brother was safe so far "C-Could you tell-" before I could finish my sentence a big crash had sounded outside, I whipped my head around leaving Roku's arms, and running out of the house hearing Roku yell my name.

Ooooooooh I know I said before I hate cliff hangers and all but goodness me I can't help it! And also I am so so so so so sorry for a late update, my cousins had came over so I never had time on my laptop so I needed to keep them entertained, or use my laptop for movies and also, not a big fan on typing the chapters on the phone I feel that I always mess up! Hahaha sorry sorry but now they are at there brothers so I can update again!! Yay, I'm gonna go get something to drink now see you again!

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