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Since the talk I had with Joan she has not spoken to me. Not even look at me, but surprisingly I didn't care. That made me happy. As I sat on the couch in the living room watching tv I could hear her walking my way. "Hey Francesco we're out of food we need to go to the store. Is it okay if we go out?" She asked not making any eye contact with me. "Yes I will come with." I said. "Look I don't think it's necessary I'm sure we'll be fine." She said. I looked at her with a sarcastic face and made a smile. "You honestly think that?" I said. She sighed hating my response and the truth behind it. "Fine I guess." She said as she walked into her room to get ready. I could already feel that this would be an awkward quest to the store. I met her outside to go to the store. She put Abel in his seat and we got in and we're on our way. It was a very quiet travel. We parked and we got out. When Joan took Abel out of his seat and put him down he ran to me and extended his hand out to me. He wanted me to hold his hand as we crossed the street. I could sense Joan's attitude towards her son liking me so much, but I didn't care about that either. As we were inside gathering food it was silent between me and her. I turned away from them for a second as I gathered some apples into a bag. I could sense someone walking towards us. Eighteen year old male. Human. "Hey Joan!" He said. I didn't feel any danger from him so I kept on, but I listened in. "Hey Richard how are you." Joan said. "I've been great, but how come you haven't returned any of my calls?" He asked. "Oh sorry I've just been getting really busy." She said. "Oh ok you know I just thought that it was kind of strange that we started going out and then you ignore me." He said. I felt his aggressiveness so I had to step in. "Hey is everything alright?" I said. "Everything is fine asshole this is between me and her." I guess Abel was getting scared from his raised voice because he called me "da-da" again. Then I guess he snapped because of that. "Are you his father? The guy that bailed and left this woman to raise him on her own?" He started to push me and I didn't want to hurt him, he was just a human, so I didn't react much I pushed him away from me. I guess I forgot I was an angel again since he flew about six feet away. At this point people were alarmed and started to call the police. I had to end this. "I will warn you now that I do not want to hurt you but I will. Stop this now." He took out a knife. I made the decision not to take mine out. I had no intention on killing him. "I will fucking murder you." He said. "I am an angel of the lord and you will show some respect." He ran at me with the knife. I stood still. He could not hurt me. He ended up stabbing me in my chest where my heart would be located. That made me angry, he had the intention to kill me. He was very surprised to say the least. Seeing that I didn't even flinch. I grabbed the knife out of my body. I put the knife in his hand and made him put it into his right leg. He screamed of pain. I could hear everyone screaming. Joan telling  me to stop and grabbing me away. I didn't know what I did until I saw Abel crying. I was just happy I didn't kill him. "What the hell are you doing Francesco he's hum-!" And then she stopped. I didn't realize why until she moved and I saw him behind her with no knife in his leg. "Joan!" I screamed. He had stabbed her right in her spine. She fell to the floor. At that moment I could not control myself. I cried. I took out my blade and struck it right into Richard's heart. Seeing the life leave his eyes. I was angry. Furious. I ran back to Joan. "Hey Joan your going to be alright okay. Just breath. Just breath." I said while tears running through my cheeks. I turned her to her stomach. "Okay Joan this is going to hurt a little okay, but please stay awake ok!" I pulled the knife out. She screamed and it hurt me. I put my right hand over her wound. As a bright light came from my hand over her wound. I healed her. Hoping it wasn't too late. I saw her wound going away. Her skin putting itself together. I was relieved. I turned her over. "Joan are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine thanks." She said while she was gasping for air. "I almost lost you there." I said. She looked at me and smiled. "Get Abel and the food I'm sure the police will be waiting for me in the front." I said. "So what are you going to do?" She asked. "I'm just going to speak to them." I winked. We made our way to the front of the store. I let her go first as I know they're here for me. I saw her make it safely to the car. Now it was my turn.

                                            I made a couple steps outside until I heard them screaming at me. "Get on your knees and put your hands on your head." The policemen on the microphone said. Of course I did neither. I mad a couple steps forward until I heard them cock they're guns. "Get on your knees now!" He said. There we're maybe twenty police officers. "You need to listen to me. You're all in danger." I said. "I am here to help you. I am an angel of the lord." I made a couple more steps until a police officer shot at me. I did not react to his shot and that caused a fuss. "That is not necessary." I said as I flicked my hand towards him and he flew ten feet away. At this point they were freaked out to say the least. Before anything else could happen I did the same to their weapons. "Why must you humans be so ignorant. You praise my father. At least show some respect to me." I saw their eyes leave me and to the other side of me. For something to take the attention off me would have to be big. "Francesco." It was Caine and I knew why he was here. "You waste your time explaining yourself to these hairless apes." "Hello Caine." I said. I took my blade out. Ready to fight. Ready to wage this war. "You've made a mistake coming here Caine. You cannot beat me." I said. I sealed it off with a smile. He took out his weapon. The jaw of an animal. Fixed to be a heldable weapon. "Well Francesco look at you. The soldier you once were again. Strong and ignorant. Shall I kill you now in front of your so called family." He said. The policemen did not dare move an inch. "Well as much as I love you Caine. I'd like to see you try." Both of us starting to walk towards each other. He took the first swing. Blocking it with my blade and then throwing a punch. I landed it but I barely made a scratch. I could see he was determined to kill me with the attempts he was making. We both were knocked down from our attack I thought it was time to end it. "I'm ending this now Caine." I had my right hand opened to his direction focusing my power. My eyes glowing blue. Heavens light showing from my vessel. The sky darkening with clouds. Next I focused all my power at him to destroy him. The brightest white light showed but as it disappeared I saw Caine perfectly fine. He got up. "No more angel juice?" He said walking towards me I couldn't think of what to do. He grabbed me by the throat. Raising me off my feet. "Now it's time you Angels burn." He said. And then I heard a voice behind him. "I don't think so." It was Michael. "Put him down Caine." I saw what he had in his hand. It was his sword. Made to slay lucifer. I could see Caine was worried. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Okay fine." He let go of me. I grabbed my blade again ready to fight. "I didn't expect you to be here Michael. I thought it'd be just this puppet." He said referring to me. I knocked him down to his knees. He looked up to Michael. "You can't kill me with your little angel blades. I suggest you get something that can actually hurt me." He said. "Not many things hurt you." He then took out a long all silver sword. "But this will." He said. "You think this is the end? Killing me changes nothing." "Yes well, it's a start." Michael said." He then looked at me. "Here Francesco. You should be the one to do this." I didn't hesitate to walk up to him and grab the sword. I pointed it toward Caine and the skin it touched singed. "Goodbye Caine." I said as I lifted the sword above my head and let it fall through into the center of his chest. There was a red glow coming from him and then he didn't move. He fell to the ground. I went to get the sword out of his chest and as I grabbed it it started to heat up and glow red. The mark was moving. From his arm making its way to his chest then the red glow moved up the sword and I couldn't let go of it. The mark can into my arm. It was painful, so much I was screaming. The mark then made its place on my forearm. I could then take my hand of the sword. "Michael the hell just happened?" I asked. He rushed over to see and he was just as surprised as me. "How did that happen? That wasn't supposed to happen." He said. "Brother how do I take it off." I said staring at him. "You can't. I'd need to then kill you." I was scared. "Damn it! How am I supposed to deal with this!" I screamed. He then looked around and saw the first blade on the ground. He picked it up and handed it to me. "Your going to have to bear it. For now. I'll find a way to remove it from you.Take the profit home and protect her. You will soon be called. There was a sound of thunder and lightning stroke and he was gone. With Caine now gone the last chip is lucifer and this mark staining my arm.

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